Your Memory

Your memory is one of your most valuable assets. Important experiences you want to share with your family. Values and Beliefs that describe who you are. Snippets from your life and your work that may be interesting to others. It's human nature.

The French word for memory or remembrance is "memoir."

In writing my own memoir, I tried to focus on specific moments in my life rather than try to include my whole life's story. I was shooting for 100-150 pages so my family wouldn't get bogged down trying to read a lengthy novel. Moments in my life I felt were important to me, and the kind of things they might be interested in knowing about me. Like memories from my childhood, my faith, my work, my dreams.?

I wish my grandparents would have shared some of their memories so I could get to know them better. They didn't. But you can share some of your memories with your children and your children's children. It's not that difficult, really quite simple as a matter of fact. You can simply talk about your memories, recording them on a small digital recorder and getting the recordings to me so I can put your words on the pages of a book for your family to read whenever they want. That's all there is to it.?

I do it all the time---writing memoirs is both interesting and fun to do. I'd like to help you write yours. Just email me at [email protected] and we can begin any time you like. Thanks for letting me be of service.

Yours sincerely,

Gene Groner, author and biographer??


