Your Love is Queen Edition
Kendrick Duwah Chea
Creative Entrepreneur | Global Educator | Artist | Student | Connector
?The Pan African Herald was started in the 90s during the Liberian Civil War by Elseah Chea
The goal was to connect the African Diaspora through the written word
To Spread a message of Unity amongst African people across the globe thru education & culture
The Flower of Life represents how everything comes together in full effect. It blooms in love.
The flower of life represents the interconnectedness of humanity. The flower of life represents who we are at the very core. It is everything & nothing. It is the star in the sky. It is the sun & the moon.
“History can repeat itself if we allow it.”
The story of Liberia comes from slaves seeking freedom & asylum in a place that they could call their home. Liberia stands for Liberty. We were all born in slavery & freedom was taken not given. One of the first countries to spark the Pan Africanist movement.
The country of Liberia was founded in 1847. It is in West Africa. USA wanted to be included in the colonization of Africa, so they funded the American Colonization Society & sent freed slaves to board ships to Liberia.
They were afraid of a free mind influencing the enslaved minds, so they shipped them away. Fortunately, a positive came out of a negative. Liberia was born from the natural human right to be free. The Liberian people created an institution that mirrored the USA. Everything changed once the Civil wars of the 90s came. It caused a beef between the “Americo-Liberians” & the tribes. There was a long-standing tension that needed to be united. The people were separated but grew together after this trial. ?
Liberia is the Liberty we hope to see in the world. It is a symbol of excellence. It is a symbol of black excellence. The country fought through identity crisis & built a nation of new freedom fighters.
We must make the decision ourselves to be free. The history of Liberia is one of civil war. The freed settlers went to war with the tribes when they first landed.
This was a hidden resentment between the Americo-Liberians & the tribes that lasted for generations which led to a coup in the 1980s. The tribes had been oppressed by the Americo-Liberians upon arrival. After the coup it sparked another civil war.
The Liberian Civil War was fought throughout the 1990s. People fighting a war instigated by those who wanted control & power of a free country. The war lasted 7 years but the impact will be felt forever.
This is an active call to free our minds. This is a call to free ourselves from the captivity that we can’t see. Reading is power so we write to teach. This is our way of reaching out to you.
“The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here”
What is a Matriarch?
A woman who stands as the leader of her family or tribe; A woman who is powerful within any organization or group. A Matriarch is a Queen, Warrior, Mother, Grandmother, Aunt, Daughter, Friend or Sister
What Do Women Want?
To Be Loved
To Be Respected
To Be Understood
Woman is LOVE personified.
It takes a real one to share love. It takes an enlightened one to feel real love. The woman is a bright light sent from God.
The woman is a force that creates life. The woman herself is a lifeforce. The woman is a protective force.
The woman is eternal love in human form. We can give all the praises to women because without them no one would be on this earth. Loving yourself & Loving women is ultimately Loving God.
Women of Africa
We honor the ones who came before us because it is they who paved the road we travel on today. These are influential women who didn’t take no for answer. As time moved on they proved to be the ones who needed to take charge of their countries & lead them in the right direction. Let us never forget the original Amazons of Africa better known as The Dahomey Minos "Our Mothers" Warriors who protected their kingdom no matter what.
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My Lost Love, Liberty
Nowhere near freedom
I thought I saw Liberty in the distance
So, I decided 2 proceed with persistence
As I yelled out
?I felt three lashes on my back
Falling face forward onto the ground
Slowly making my way up so I can
scream out once again,
?Even though she was far away, I think she
turned around
Attempting 2 break off the chains that kept
me bound
She looked me in my eyes and left me with
tears and a frown
She continued 2 run away, never turning back
Stubbornly I called out her name once again
She ran away even faster
Fully aware of the upcoming disaster
Killing me slowly the bloodshed made me
I couldn’t fathom the thought that she
would leave me
How I have longed for her warm embrace
and her comfort
I was forgotten by freedom and neglected by
?She was the only one on my mind
Now I am alone with an unforgiving master
Awaiting this upcoming disaster?
In la vie, it is dangerous to place your sense of self in the hands of others. Allowing people to dictate how you feel regarding who you are as a person will dim your light. At times, your light shines so bright that it blinds the weak. Those people are afraid of your light because they do not understand it. It makes them feel inferior. They may do this unintentionally or intentionally. Don’t stop being you because it makes other people uncomfortable. Always stay true to your mission. Freedom lies within your mission.
The weak will try to tell you who you are, in order to discourage you from becoming your true self. The weak will attempt to take away your power. Freedom lies within your power. Fully embrace the opportunity that you have. Do not walk away from your mission. You’re essential. It is necessary to fulfill your mission. Your power is the mission. Let your light shine regardless of how others may feel. You are created for greatness.
In this book we discover what these 5 themes—love, success, failure, struggle & power— mean in our lives through reflective journaling, poetry, positive affirmations & everything hip hop! The essence of hip hop is the genuine flow of art.?This dual identity of poetry intertwined with rhythm & beat to share ideas. Hip hop was created in the Bronx 2 tell a story of the African diaspora. It is the music of an oppressed people expressing their love, struggles, successes,
failures, & power.
The goal of Journey 2 Consciousness: C’est La Vie is 2 inspire, hustle, & motivate! It serves the purpose of reminding those who feel lost, that it’s ok & you will reach your destination! We all learn & grow from our mistakes. Never give up, it’s time 2 wake up & level up. The time is always now. This is a call 2 action. We can’t be free until we are all free. C’est La Vie means “That’s Life." Things will happen 2 you that you can’t control. It’s just life. It is how you react that holds the most power.
Love yourself, first always!
Positive Books 2 Read
Our Monthly List of Positive Books 2 Read
This month of March we celebrate the natural genius of women across the globe
·?????Cultivating Genius by Gholdy Muhammad
·?????Unearthing Joy by Gholdy Muhammad
·?????We are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For by Alice Walker
·?????Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
·?????I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
·?????Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
Building Our Schools of the Future
The venture is an international school network called Pan African Schools of the Universe which will be in each country across the globe. The new generation of students coming from countries such as Haiti, and Liberia are under 60% literacy rate. Most children of school age are not attending school either because they don’t have access to quality education. We aim to change that for the present & future.
Education is the key to nation building. We must bridge the gap between those Africans who have been removed from Africa for generations. This is a relationship that must be fostered for the advancement of all Africans across the globe.?
With the foundation of education from PASU, students will graduate with the ability to compete in a global market. Access to higher education in any country of their choosing.
“Pan African Schools of the Universe is a K-12 international private school network aimed at building the universal whole child of the next generation through self actualization & emphasis on the “mindbodysoul” of each student. By bridging the gap of cross-cultural communication, P.A.S.U will recruit, train & connect educators of the African diaspora”
To provide a global, holistic education which leads students to self-actualization. Focus on building the mind, body & soul of our students. Build the New Generation of a Universal African Scholar
3 Self(s)
3.????????Knowledge of Self & Self-Knowledge