Your Liver; Your Best Plate!
Yetunde Adeseluka-Oladejo
Program Manager| Mandela Washington Fellow '22/ International Maternal Newborn Health Fellow '23/ Menstrual Hygiene & Gender Equality Advocate |Maternal and Child Health
#knowledge is #PreventionAmplified
Every single cell, organ, tissue and system in the body is extremely important to our health. Out of all these, two particular organs stand out...probably due to the myriad of functions they perform; the #liver and #kidneys. without a healthy liver and kidney, a person might not survive...thus a great need rests on us to care properly for our liver and kidneys. Because of a wide range of functions they perform ranging from drug metabolism to excretion, we need to detoxify them every once a while. This detoxification recipe can refresh our liver and kidney and keep them in proper functioning capacity.
Let's visit our nutrition recipe catalog...
These ingredients are found to contain antioxidants with liver detoxifying functions.
Recipe ingredients
5 leaves of parsley vegetable
1 slice of cucumber
1/2 slice of apple
1/2 ginger or 1-2 teaspoon
1/2 grapes
1/2 slice of cabbage
clean and safe water
Blend till smooth and have a tea cup once a week...well, this weekend would be fine to try this out.
#YourLiverYourFriend #KidneyHealth #StayHealthy #StayAlive #Dontwaitforcurative #YetundeAdeseluk