Your List of Whos'? Who to Follow in Crypto on Twitter

Your List of Whos' Who to Follow in Crypto on Twitter

Bitcoin Entrepreneurs

  1. Brian Armstrong (@brian_armstrong) - Co-founder & CEO of Coinbase
  2. Fred Ehrsam (@FEhrsam) - Co-founder of Coinbase
  3. Nejc Kodri (@nejc_kodric) - Co-founder & CEO of Bitstamp
  4. Nicolas Cary (@niccary) - Co-Founder & CEO of
  5. Tony Gallippi (@tonygallippi) - Co-founder & Executive Chairman of BitPay
  6. Asher Tan (@ashertn) - Co-founder & CEO of CoinJar
  7. George Samman (@sammantic) - Co-founder & COO of
  8. Ryan Shea (@ryaneshea) - Co-founder of Onename
  9. Muneeb Ali (@muneeb) - Co-founder & CTO of Onename
  10. Matt Schlicht (@MattPRD) - Founder of ZapChain
  11. Catheryne Nicholson (@Catheryne_N) - CEO of BlockCypher
  12. Matthieu Riou (@mriou) Founder of Blockcypher
  13. Nick Sullivan (@gorillamania) - Founder of ChangeTip
  14. Derek Minter (@derekminter) - Co-founder of Honeybadgr
  15. Ryan Peterson (@RyanPeterson41) - Co-founder of Honeybadgr
  16. Josh Pelham (@jshplhm) - Co-founder of Honeybadgr
  17. Paul Benigeri (@benigeri) - Co-founder of
  18. Roneil Rumburg (@roneilr) - Co-founder of
  19. Ryan Zhou (@zhoutong) - Co-founder of CoinJar
  20. Anson Zeall (@AnsonZeall) - Co-founder of CoinPip
  21. Miguel Cuneta (@MiguelCuneta) - Co-Founder & CCO of Satoshi Citadel Industries
  22. Luis Buenaventura (@helloluis) - Co-founder of
  23. Dave Shin (@paywise_org) - Founder of PayWise Limited
  24. Jonathan Levin (@jony_levin) - Ex-CEO of Coinometrics
  25. Dan Held (@bitonbit) - Former Co-Founder of ZeroBlock
  26. Matt Slater (@MattSlater91) - Co-Founder of Hedgy
  27. Warren Paul Anderson (@warpaul) Co-founder & Head of Product of Hedgy
  28. Mark Smalley (@m_smalley) - Co-Founder & CTO of Neuroware
  29. Haseeb Awan (@ahaseeba) - Co-Founder of BitAccess
  30. Songyi Lee (@iamsonge) - Co-Founder of 37Coins
  31. Jonathan Zobro (@jonathan_zobro) - Co-Founder of 37Coins
  32. Charlie Shrem (@CharlieShrem) - Co-?founder and Former CEO of BitInstant
  33. Aaron Williams (@aaronwwwilliams) - Founder of Atlanta Bitcoin
  34. Paul Puey (@paullinator) - Founder & CEO of Airbitz
  35. Ben Davenport (@bendavenport) - Co-founder & Chief Product Officer of BitGo
  36. Micah Winkelspecht (@winkelspecht) - Founder & CEO of Gem
  37. Chris Shepherd (@cshphrd) - CEO of HashRabbit
  38. Gabe Evans (@GabeEvans) - Technical Co-founder of HashRabbit
  39. Tom Ding (@tom_ding) - Founder of Koinify
  40. Fabio Federici (@fabfederici) - Co-founder & CEO of Coinalytics
  41. Josh Mohland (@mohland) - CEO of Wow Such Business / Creator of Dogetipbot
  42. Alejandro De La Torre (@bitentrepreneur) - Founder of SendChat
  43. Lawrence Nahum (@LarryBitcoin) - Founder & CEO GreenAddress
  44. George Burke (@geoburke) - Co-founder of FreshPay
  45. Andrew Lee (@2drewlee) - CEO of Purse
  46. Teemu Paivinen (@teempai) - CEO of Coinmotion
  47. Tom Hamalainen (@tomhamalainen) Co-founder & Chairman of Coinmotion
  48. Yusho Liu (@shoberrysho) - Co-founder of CoinHako
  49. Rodrigo Henrik (@rodrigohenrik) - COO/CMO & Co-Founder of Bleutrade
  50. Chris Yim (@cyim) - Co-founder of LibertyX
  51. Meg Nakamura (@megnakamura) - CEO of Shift
  52. Jesse Heaslip (@jjheaslip) - CEO of Bex
  53. Jacob Hansen (@ejacobhansen) - Co-Founder of CrowdCurity
  54. Christian Hansen (@ChrHansen) - CTO of CrowdCurity
  55. Ric Shreves (@ricoflan) - Co-founder of Coin Academy
  56. Devon Read (@blocktechceo) - Founder & CEO of Blockchain Technology Group
  57. Adam Ludwin (@adamludwin) - Founder of Chain
  58. Perianne Boring (@PerianneDC) - Founder & President of Chamber of Digital Commerce
  59. David Berger (@DavidBergerDCC) - Founder & CEO of Digital Currency Council
  60. David Moskowitz (@Coin_republic) - Founder of Coin Republic
  61. Tim Peterson (@timrpeterson) - Founder of Onarbor
  62. Morgan Rockwell (@Metaballo) - CEO of Bitcoin Kinetics
  63. Ola Doudin (@odoudin) - Co-founder of BitOasis
  64. David El Achkar (@DaveAchkar) - Founder of YellowPay

Altcoin Team Leads

  1. Charlie Lee (@satoshilite) - Creator of Litecoin
  2. Jackson Palmer (@ummjackson) - Creator of Dogecoin
  3. Ross Nicoll (@JRossNicoll) - Dogecoin Developer
  4. Vitalik Buterin (@vitalikbuterin) - Creator of Ethereum
  5. Anthony Di Iorio (@diiorioanthony) - Founder of Ethereum
  6. Joel Dietz (@fractastical) - Creator of Swarm
  7. Jed McCaleb (@JedMcCaleb) - Co-founder of Stellar
  8. Joyce Kim (@joyce) - Executive Director of Stellar
  9. Pavel Kravchenko (@kravchenkopo) - Cryptographer at Stellar
  10. Charles Hoskinson (@nprojectcharles) - Founding Member of Bitshares and Ethereum
  11. Chris Larsen (@chrislarsensf) - Founder & CEO of Ripple Labs
  12. David Schwartz (@JoelKatz) - Chief Cryptographer at Ripple Labs
  13. Julian Martinez (@julianeon) - Support Engineer at Ripple Labs
  14. Patrick Nosker (@pnosker) - VeriCoin Developer
  15. effects (@effectsToCause) - VeriCoin Developer
  16. Andrew Vegatabile (@TheRealMage) - Litecoin Association Director
  17. btcdrak (@btcdrak) - Viacoin Developer
  18. Ahmed Bodiwala (@CryptoExpert) - Myriadcoin and Digitalcoin Developer
  19. Bryce Weiner (@BryceWeiner) - Developer of various altcoins
  20. Robert Wilkins (@rfwilkins) - CEO of Ziftr and Creator of Ziftrcoin
  21. Tatiana Moroz (@queentatiana) - Creator of Tatiana Coin
  22. Max Keiser (@maxkeiser) - Creator of Maxcoin
  23. BTCarchitect (@BTCarchitect) - Creator of ARCHcoin
  24. Jon Marshallz (@JonMarshallz) - Fastcoin Developer
  25. Julian (@jyap) - Creator of Jumbucks
  26. Judith Jakubovics (@JudithJakubovic) - BizDev & International Community Coordinator at MasterCoin Foundation

Bitcoin Startup Movers & Shakers

  1. Changpeng Zhao (@cpzhao) - CTO of OKCoin
  2. Jack C Liu (@liujackc) - Head of Institutional Development of OKCoin
  3. Tim Swanson (@ofnumbers) - Head of Business Development at Melotic
  4. Richard Gendal Brown (@gendal) - Executive Architect, Industry Innovation for Banking and Financial Markets at IBM UK
  5. Marshall Hayner (@MarshallHayner) - CMO of
  6. Nanok Bie (@nanok) - Director of Communications, Marketing & PR at KnCMiner
  7. Jeffrey Smith (@jeff_smith01) - CIO of CEX.IO
  8. Alexandr Kerya (@a_kerya) - CMO of CEX.IO
  9. Adam White (@WhiteAdamL) - Business development at Coinbase
  10. Nick Tomaino (@NTmoney) - Business development at Coinbase
  11. Joe Robinson (@i8joe) - VP Product of Circle
  12. Sean R. Moran (@seanrmoran) - Product at Circle
  13. Melissa Volkmann (@mvlkm) - Design Ninja HashRabbit
  14. Faisal Khan (@babushka99) - VP Operations at CoinX
  15. Elliot Lee (@intelliot) - Developer & Product Manager at Kraken
  16. Andrew Wagner (@TheAndrewWagner) - Director of PR at Bitcoin Co-op
  17. Kate Ambash (@kambash) - Community Manager at ChangeTip
  18. Victoria van Eyk (@victoriavaneyk) - VP Community Development at ChangeTip
  19. Alexis Aiono (@AlexisAiono) - Head of Support at BTCJam
  20. Tom Kysar (@tomkysar) - Marketing Lead at Koinify
  21. Juan Llanos @JuanLlanos - EVP of Strategic Partnerships & Chief Transparency Officer Bitreserve
  22. Jon Matonis (@jonmatonis) - Founding Director, Bitcoin Foundation
  23. Nick Spanos (@nickspanos) - Founder of Bitcoin Center NYC
  24. Daniel Krawisz (@DanielKrawisz) - Director of Research at Satoshi Nakamoto Institute
  25. Colbert Low (@sirxl) - Country Lead for BitX Malaysia
  26. Mostafa Farghaly (@MostafaFarghaly) - Bitcoin Developer at BitOasis
  27. Neil Woodfine (@nwoodfine) - Client Relationship Manager at OKCoin
  28. Tristan Winters (@tristan_winters) - Business Development at iceCUBED Bitcoin Exchange
  29. Arianna Simpson (@AriannaSimpson) - Account Specialist BitGo

Bitcoin Investors/VCs/Angels

  1. Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) - Co-founder & General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz
  2. Ben Horowitz (@bhorowitz) - Co-founder & General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz
  3. Balaji S. Srinivasan (@balajis) - General Partner at Andreesen Horowitz
  4. Chris Dixon (@cdixon) - General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz
  5. Joel Monegro (@jmonegro) - Investment Team at Union Square Ventures
  6. Eddy Travia (@startupeddy) - Co-founder of Seedcoin
  7. Cameron Winklevoss (@winklevoss) - Principal of Winklevoss Capital
  8. Tyler Winklevoss (@tylerwinklevoss) - Principal of Winklevoss Capital
  9. Barry Silbert (@barrysilbert) - Founder of Bitcoin Investment Trust
  10. Brock Pierce (@brockpierce) - Co-Founder & Managing Partner of Crypto Currency Partners
  11. Erik Voorhees (@ErikVoorhees) - Bitcoin Angel investor
  12. Roger Ver (@rogerkver) - Bitcoin Angel Investor
  13. Sean Percival (@Percival) - Partner at 500 Startups
  14. Scott Robinson (@TheScottRob) - Director, FinTech & Marketing at Plug & Play Tech Center
  15. Bastian Brand (@ICryptoInvestor) - Investment Manager at Pathfinder Capital
  16. Matthew Roszak (@MatthewRoszak) Founding Partner at Tally Capital
  17. Adam Draper (@AdamDraper) - Founder & CEO of Boost VC
  18. Brayton Williams (@BraytonKey) Founder at BoostVC
  19. Steve Waterhouse (@waterhousephd) - Partner at Pantera Capital
  20. Ryan Selkis aka Twobitidito (@twobitidiot) - Investments Director at Digital Currency Group
  21. David Lee (@davidlee) - Managing Partner at SV Angel
  22. Ben Parr (@benparr) - Managing Partner at DominateFund
  23. Michael Terpin (@michaelterpin) - Co-Founder & Chairman of BitAngels
  24. Michael Sonnenshein (@Sonnenshein) - Account Executive at BitcoinTrust
  25. Farzad Hashemi (@nestmate) - Bitcoin Angel Investor
  26. Terrence Yang (@YangTerrence) - Founder of Yang Ventures

Bitcoin Journalists

  1. Pete Rizzo (@pete_rizzo_) - US Editor for CoinDesk
  2. Jon Southurst (@southtopia) - Asia Editor for CoinDesk
  3. Emily Spaven (@emilyspaven) - Managing Editor of CoinDesk
  4. Tom Sharkey (@tom_sharkey) - Journalist & sub-editor for CoinDesk
  5. Danny Bradbury (@dannybradbury) - Journalist at CoinDesk
  6. Wong Joon Ian (@joonian) - Journalist at CoinDesk
  7. Daniel Cawrey (@danielcawrey) - Journalist at CoinDesk
  8. Tanaya Macheel (@tanayamacheel) - Writer & sub-editor at CoinDesk
  9. Aaron van Wirdum (@AaronvanW) - Contributor to CoinDesk
  10. Caleb Chen (@bitxbitxbitcoin) - US Editor of CryptoCoinsNews
  11. Christoph Marckx (@cryptomaniacs) - Writer at CryptoCoinsNews
  12. Josiah Wilmoth (@Y3llowb1ackbird) - Writer at CryptoCoinsNews
  13. Tina Hui (@TinaHui) - CEO & Founder of FollowTheCoin
  14. Kevin Cruz (@KCruz305) - Writer at Bitcoin Magazine
  15. Maria Jones (@MariaJonesCT) - General manager at CoinTelegraph
  16. Allen Scott (@allenscottCT) - Editor at CoinTelegraph
  17. Diana Ngo (@DHQNgo) - Journalist at CoinTelegraph
  18. Ian DeMartino (@IanDeMartino) - Writer at CoinTelegraph
  19. Carlo Caraluzzo (@CaraluzzoCarlo) - Writer at CoinTelegraph
  20. Tone Vays (@tone_llt) - Bitcoin Analyst at CoinTelegraph
  21. Adam B. Levine (@GamerAndy) - Editor-in-Chief of LetsTalkBitcoin
  22. Kyle Torpey (@kyletorpey) - Writer at InsideBitcoins
  23. Jean-Pierre Buntinx (@jdebunt) - Founder of
  24. Serge Schouterden (@SergioSchout) - Founder of
  25. Ofir Beigel (@ofirbeigel) - Blogger at 99Bitcoins
  26. Sean Wince (@SeanWince) - Writer at CoinBrief
  27. Andre Infante (@AndreTI) - Journalist at CoinReport
  28. Yashu Gola (@whoisyashu) - Writer at NewsBTC
  29. Mark Hopkins (@rizzn) - Founding Editor for SiliconANGLE
  30. Tuur Demeester (@TuurDemeester) - Editor of MacroTrends
  31. Olly (@AltCoinSpec) - Writer at Altcoin Speculation
  32. Ben Isgur (@BenIsgur) - Blogger at
  33. Nigel Dollentas (@nigeldollentas) - Writer at Bitcoinist
  34. John Scianna (@johnnydoge) - Writer at Bitcoinist
  35. Julia Tourianski (@BraveTheWorld) - Blogger at Brave The World
  36. Keith Horwood (@eagle8) - Head of Performance Marketing at CoinDesk

Bitcoin Developers

  1. Gavin Andresen (@gavinandresen) - Chief Scientist, Bitcoin Foundation
  2. Jeff Garzik (@jgarzik) - Bitcoin Core Developer at BitPay
  3. Peter Todd (@petertoddbtc) - Bitcoin Developer at CoinKite
  4. Pieter Wuille (@pwuille) - Bitcoin Core Developer at at Blockstream
  5. Matt Corallo (@TheBlueMatt) -Bitcoin Core Developer at at Blockstream
  6. Oleg Andreev (@oleganza) - Author of CoreBitcoin
  7. Andreas Antonopoulos (@aantonop) - Security and Distributed Systems Expert
  8. Ross McKelvie (@lead_brogrammer) Lead Engineer of Boost VC
  9. Sergio Demian Lerner (@SDLerner) - Security Auditor at Coinspect
  10. Nick Szabo (@NickSzabo4) - Cryptographer & Creator of "Smart Contract" Concept


  1. Brian Klein (@brianeklein) - Partner at Baker Marquart LLP and Chair of Bitcoin Foundation's Legal Advocacy Committee
  2. Patrick Murck (@virtuallylaw) - General Counsel at Bitcoin Foundation
  3. Amor Sexton (@amorsexton) - Digital Currency Lawyer at Adroit Lawyers
  4. Reuben Bramanathan (@bramanathan) - Senior Lawyer at Adroit Lawyers
  5. Andrew Beal (@ajbeal) - Associate at Crowley Corporate Attorneys
  6. Preston Byrne (@prestonjbyrne) - COO and General Counsel at Eris Industries
  7. Pamela Morgan (@pamelawjd) - Attorney at Empowered Law
  8. Ryan Gilbert (@thebtclawyer) - Associate Attorney at Dell Graham and Host of the Bitcoin Lawyer Podcast
  9. Marco Santori (@msantoriESQ) - Counsel at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
  10. Sarah I. Hody (@SHodyEsq) - Attorney at Coinbase
  11. ?
  12. Jeremy Kandah (@jkandah) - MaidSafe Board Member


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