Your life's vision and mission
Pamela D. Smith, MBA
Senior Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Claims Specialist Allstate Insurance
Having a vision and mission for your life can help you navigate those seasons where you are experiencing both transition and transformation at the same time. This is the season that I am in right now. It's a season of mixed emotions, a little confusion, and some overwhelm. Some moments are beautiful, other moments are hard, but all moments are necessary so I have to embrace them all.
I want to encourage you to really give some thought to what your vision and mission for your life is. If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner then you are probably familiar with vision and mission statements. Just like these statements establish your core values for your business and directs the way that you do business, when you create them for your life they will also establish your personal core values and will direct the way that you live your life.
I want to share my blog post where I talk about my session with my life coach. This will help you to take a look at your life and determine where you are not honoring yourself. I also share 3 tips for bring honor back to yourself so that you can live a life of purpose while becoming resilient and reducing stress and anxiety because your vision and mission will be guiding your choices. (Note: this bog post was originally shared on Pamela D. Smith website on 8/1/21)
All the best to you!