Heather Brebaugh
I host a community for people who value respect, consideration for others, a sense of purpose, good health and relationships, and happiness. You’re invited. Come share your ideas. Members in 63 countries. It's free.??
Ok, maybe it isn’t quite perfect. In fact, if you are feeling negativity in your life at home, at work, or anywhere, or if you just feel that your life has become mundane and you wish things could be better, this article is for you. (Guess we'll all be reading this one!)
Personally, I don’t like books that ‘talk at you’, tell you what’s wrong, and then tell you what to do. I can always use help (because I have some of that negativity in my life), but couldn’t someone just please not make me feel so bad about it?
The Negativity Remedy, Unlocking More You, Less Stress, and Better Relationships Through Kindness
How do you go from being Miss Wisconsin, to being an alcoholic, a breast cancer survivor, and a feeling-worthless person and come out a 3-time author, a columnist, a public speaker and a Kindness Guru? In The Negativity Remedy, Nicole J. Phillips uses humor, brutal honesty and personal stories to speak to you, not at you. Her honesty is refreshing, and her writing style will lead you eagerly from one page to the next. The Negativity Remedy is easy to read, digest, and implement, full of humorous anecdotes and stories that give you everything you need to make an amazing change in your life without feeling that you have been lectured. You will laugh, cry, and cheer your way through this book.
Your Inner Meanie
Even if you think you are kind (or mostly kind), Nicole will show you new and fulfilling ways to live each day. She even has a little ‘test’ for you to take to see just how kind you really are! In all honesty, I think of myself as being pretty kind, but I bombed her test. I discovered that I have an ‘Inner Meanie’ (Nicole’s term for that negativity that lurks inside us) that rears up when I am worried, hurried, or feel the need to be judge and jury. (Any of those describe you sometimes?)
But don’t worry, Nicole shows you how to banish worry, hurry, and judge/jury and replace them with kindness. You will learn 6 ways to draw more kindness into your life – things you can easily do, starting today.
Reroute Your Bad Day, On Command
Ever have a bad day at home, at work, or when you’re out and about? It sucks, right? After reading The Negativity Remedy you’ll be able to reroute your bad day on command. Literally, within minutes.
Use Social Media to Bring Kindness Into Your Life (Really!)
Social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) plays a big part in my day. (Do you spend a lot of each day there?) Even though those platforms are filled with negativity, Nicole shows you how to use social media to bring more kindness into your life. (Yes, it’s possible!)
Never Be Taken Advantage of Again
Have you ever felt taken advantage of when you tried to be kind? I know I have. It made me feel sad and a little mad, too. Thanks to Nicole I now know the 2 key things that I can do to prevent this from happening again, without sacrificing being kind. (Yay!)
Kindness Isn’t Always About You
Have you ever had someone offer to help you and you said, “No thanks”? You know, you feel silly accepting help or you don’t want to be beholding. In The Negativity Remedy you will learn why you need to say “Yes” to these offers, not just for yourself, but for the sake of the person offering. (It’s not always about you, you will discover)
6 Ways to Separate Yourself From Negativity
Strangely, not everyone is into kindness. You can probably think of someone right now who falls into that category. Nicole shows you 6 ways to separate yourself from negativity, how to say no without feeling guilty and how to use the 3 cornerstones of kindness to deal with people who have hurt you.
How to be Kind in Really Bad Situations
There are some instances where kindness just can’t fix a situation. Like when someone dies. Or when someone is diagnosed with a terminal illness. It’s hard to know what to do or say. Nicole shows you how to be kind in a way that doesn’t overwhelm the person who is facing such a huge challenge. Most of us have been in this situation and it’s a relief to know how to respond.
How to Deal With People Who Annoy You (You know who they are!)
One of the things I like most about Nicole’s book is that it’s not a soppy ‘always be kind’ book. Nicole shows you 5 ways to deal with people who annoy you (at home or other places), how to get over the fear of being kind and receiving kindness, and how to use kindness with people who have hurt you. (her personal story of how she overcame a very painful hurt will inspire you.
Jump Start Your Kindness Journey
Each chapter ends with 2 or 3 thought provoking questions to help you jump start your kindness journey. I found myself enjoying being out and about as I was reading the book because I was able to immediately implement what I was learning from Nicole. (check the comments section below and I’ll tell you about my tiny experience at Walmart!)
Kindness Will Help You Live Longer
If you’re still wondering why you should read this book, take a look at science. Research has proven that when you incorporate intentional kindness into your life your blood pressure lowers, you have more success at work, better interactions with people, create more trust, and lead a happier life. And if that’s not enough, you can be on a perpetual high with the release of serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine, all naturally released and giving you a sense of happiness and wellbeing when you are kind.
See Why Kindness Matters More Than Ever Now
I think the most important take-away I had from reading the Negativity Remedy is that I finally realized why kindness even matters at all. In our crazy world it may be hard to even see the sense in kindness. But before you finish the last page, you will be armed to make kindness the lead character in your own story, make a difference in this world, and transform your own life.
Is Something Missing in Your Life?
Do you ever feel that something is missing in your life? You can’t make a checklist and decide that once you have completed those things (got a house, got a new car, got a promotion…) you will finally be happy. But you can learn the secret that will unlock the door to your daily happiness and you can start today with The Negativity Remedy.
My Strange Compensation
I confess that I will receive a strange sort of compensation if you read this review and purchase The Negativity Remedy. It’s not money. Nope. I will receive the benefits of kindness because I know that this book will give you the path to kindness in your life. Or maybe you will give it as a gift to someone you care about and you’ll double the impact! Here is the link to The Negativity Remedy by Nicole J. Phillips, on Amazon. It’s available as paperback, Kindle, or audiobook.
PS – I have never recommended a book on LinkedIn. This is the first. I am on a mission to build an inspired community of people who live and share kindness. I hope you will join me.
Please let me know in the comments below what your most recent experience with kindness has been - either giving or receiving! And enjoy Nicole's book -
Best Selling Author? Corporate motivator ? Improving retention, attraction, and remote culture
4 年Kindness changes our lives as we practice acts of kindness regularly, even small ones. This is a wonderful book from someone who lives positivity.
Chaplain; Host of The Kindness Podcast; Professional speaker at Kindness is Contagious, LLC; Author of 5 books including The Negativity Remedy (Baker Publishing 2020)
4 年Heather... all I can say is WOW! I am just speechless at the concepts you were able to pull from the book and the fact that you’re sharing them with others. Thank you!!! My heart is just so full right now thanks to you. ??
I host a community for people who value respect, consideration for others, a sense of purpose, good health and relationships, and happiness. You’re invited. Come share your ideas. Members in 63 countries. It's free.??
4 年So my WalMart experience (If you have read the article): I was in the middle of reading The Negativity Remedy. I needed some things at the local Walmart grocery. Walking down the bread aisle and there was a very short, elderly woman (even older than I am), standing there and looking up. On the very top row were packages of corn tortillas - totally out of reach for her (almost for me, too and I'm 5'8"). I had to do a little springy-thing to get them. We had a nice chat and she was on her way. Simple. Nice. Kindness comes in tiny packages.