Your Life is Not Your Own

Your Life is Not Your Own

Triple Espresso:

Your life is not your own.

I know you think it is, but it's not.

Not really.

There are two reasons why:

1. You're living a program you've been handed.

In this example you're an automaton. Barely living above the level of an animal or droid. You're just going through the motions, valuing what you've been told to value, and pursuing what you've been told to pursue.

You don't KNOW this consciously, but deep down inside, you feel a nagging little splinter telling you "there HAS to be more to life than this."

You UNCONSCIOUSLY KNOW that you're not REALLY living; and you're not REALLY fulfilling your purpose.

You stay busy. You dread the quiet moments. You look forward to the weekends, yet they go to quickly and they don't really satisfy.

You keep running on the treadmill hoping that someday it will all fix itself; and you'll get to that special place where the pain and discomfort subside.

You get older every single day; and life gets shorter.

There's hope.

And it resides in example #2;

2. When you WAKE UP, and Taken Your Power Back, you CLEARLY KNOW your purpose for being here; and yet your life STILL does NOT belong to you.

You're okay with this though.

You're completely satisfied and fulfilled.

Because your life belongs to your purpose.

You give it willfully and gladly. For you know your life is a gift you've been given so that YOU may give and contribute.

The choice has been made.

You get up every single morning and give your life fully and completely to the ONE REASON that you're here.

Your Magnificent Obsession that SO FEW ever find.

You willfully and gladly give your ENTIRE LIFE to it. Come what may.

You've changed your world; and thereby you've impacted and changed THE world.

You've moved into the realm of the immortals.

Are you ready to live from Purpose and Power? Invest 2 Days with me to transform your entire Life and Business. Join us on Mental Mastery and Power. Details here: Take Your Power Back!


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