Welcome to another day that has a potential to bring change in your life. Remember to read this message out loud and read only this message for the day. You inspire for you to be inspired. Remember: #ItsPossibleBecauseItsDoable


Everything I have, I do, I wear, I say - it is all a message from God. He created me and declared it "job well done, it's fulfilled, it's amazing”. When we look around us, at the trees, rivers, mountains, small living creatures, and BIG animals - all these forms a message from God - a reminder of the wonders of creation and the hand of the creator. God speaks to us through every single one of these, and it is for us to understand and appreciate their message.

What message are you conveying through your life? Are you uplifting others or knocking them down? How many lives have you touched and changed for the better? I often realize the power of our lives to profoundly affect the lives of others - friends, partners, colleagues, family members who gravitate towards or away from the message you're conveying. Be mindful of the impact of your words and actions. You are capable of transforming lives for the better.

Let yourself be seen through the life you are living! Speak and live of the joy of being a child of God. Showcase the beauty that comes from being either married, in a relationship, or through your hard work. People should not need to ask if you have these titles, for your actions should be proclaiming it already. If the message that is carried through your life is not the one that should be preached, it is time to make a change. Speak the truth that empowers you — Do not hide who you are!

Today, I challenge you to take a step back and see the impactful message your life has on the world. From the relationships you build to the way you spend your time with anyone in your life, you are constantly sending a message to all with whom you come into contact. Just like the food you eat, you may not know its effect immediately, but over time its message will become evident. I urge you to look at your life and recognize the power of the message it conveys.

Today's Question: What message is your life carrying?




