Is Your Life Magical?
From a very young age I’ve always known – with a conviction stronger than you’d expect from any five year old – there’s a magical way to live life. The world seen through the lens of a magical life is brighter. Colors are more intense. Flavors are more delicious. Sweet moments get even sweeter and bitterness is somehow easier to handle because everything around you has been set aglow by your specific brand of magic. I sometimes call this phenomenon “practical magic” because it’s a near-spiritual experience that seeps into your every day, transforming the mundane and turning it into the magical.
Sounds good, right??
There’s still one burning question that we’ll need to answer before we can bridge the gap between a magical life and reality: How do you actually make it happen? And I don’t ask this in some vague, metaphorical way; in a very real and constructive sense, how do you live a magical life?
Since the early days of my career, I’ve studied countless philosophies, participated in life coaching programs and attended seminars to answer that very question. I dedicated thousands of hours reading up on all these different ways to have a magical life but wondered if I could really follow my bliss, if doors would suddenly open the minute I decided to practice the things my wise teachers preached.?
What I’ve come to understand through decades of intellectual investigation is that you can read and dissect and analyze the fundamentals of a magical life all you want, but until you go out and live it, the magic never leaves the page. The magic never really comes alive.?
Because a magical life isn’t found in a seminar hall. It’s found in those delicate moments when you’re discovering the practical (or not-so-practical) applications of the things you’ve been taught, working through the theoretical to arrive at your own kind of magical truth. When you have a transformative experience, you can’t un-have it. The experience stays with you forever, enriching and informing every decision you make. Nothing can replace personal experience, and if you’re set on living a magical life, the secret to getting started is to start living it.?