Your Life Can Be Changed Forever!

Your Life Can Be Changed Forever!

The "Retrain Your Brain To Master It Program" All Saved My Life

You've gotten to hear a few of my stories, how I lost my hair, had three throat surgeries, bankruptcy and divorce, but I haven't shared how my Retrain Your Brain To Master It All Program Saved my life.

I had a viral throat infection for 12 days and went back to the doctor with a high fever. The nurse practitioner demanded that I just "caught another virus on top of my virus and didn't need antibiotics." Another four days later, still feeling terrible, my fever started to spike.

By 10 am, my fever was up to 105 and my family rushed me to the emergency room. By the time we arrived, my fever had spiked to 106.1. The highest fever they ever saw in the ER. After doing a battery of tests, laying with ice packs over me, they found out that I had a sinus infection, throat infection, influenza A and all of this caused me to have pneumonia. My lungs were so filled with an infection that it seeped into my bloodstream and gave me the deadly blood disease SEPSIS.

Did you know the equivalent of a jumbo jet worth of people, die every single day, due to SEPSIS. The infection takes over your body and 68% of people die and lose limbs, due to the poor circulation issues.

I was given IV antibiotics (4 bags) every single hour, for 8 days! I hardly slept for 8 days, but it did give me a lot of free time to focus on my body. I used every single technique that I will teach you in the RETRAIN YOUR BRAIN TO MASTER IT ALL PROGRAM to SAVE MY LIFE!

Knowing how to control my brain, helped me focus on making mind movies of my white blood cells and antibiotics, like Pac Man structures that were going through my bloodstream, eating up all the Strep A bacteria that was infecting me. I would envision this happening for hours and hours a day. I had a positive attitude and the nurse told me that I was the nicest sick patient they ever had.

I was able to control my reactions to others and focused on keeping as positive as I could, despite my circumstances.

By the fourth day, the doctors couldn't believe the rapid change in my white blood count. It went from 25, down to 5, in a short period of time. I kept explaining how I was working to alter my neural chemistry and help my brain, by focusing on irradiating the infection within. They were just amazed at the rapid healing that was taking place. One doctor even said that my program was truly a miracle in science. I agreed!

After 8 days, I left the hospital in a wheelchair, with an IV PICC line in my arm, and began my journey to recovery. After 2 weeks of IV antibiotics at home and 4 weeks of physical therapy, I was on the quick road to feeling back to myself, again.

I kept focusing on my mini goals, to help me achieve my ultimate goal of HEALTH and WELLNESS, in a very short period of time. Not being to walk for any period of time was frustrating, but making sure that I kept my positive energy focused forward and worked the program, daily, I was able to achieve my goals. YOU CAN DO THIS, TOO!

No matter what issues you are going through or even if you just want to break out of our rut and start earning more money, past your potential, you can learn to do this with the RETRAIN YOUR BRAIN TO MASTER IT ALL PROGRAM. 

Just remember, life is short and the program is less going on a vacation. Isn't your happiness worth more than that? Stop wasting another year, day or minute being stuck and unhappy with your life. CONTROL YOUR LIFE, STOP LETTING IT CONTROL YOU! You have a choice to live your life exactly as you want to live it, you just need to learn how to control your mind and retrain your brain for success. I WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO DO THIS IN MY STEP-BY-STEP PROGRAM.

Here's a 30-minute Mastermind Class to help you make the decision to make your New Year's Resolutions come true, before the end of January 2018.


The Solutionologist? Strategies: Retrain Your Brain to Master It All program is a scientific, proven, reliable, repeatable membership program that contains 33 audio files, videos, 126 page Achiever's Action Guide, transcripts, goal setting templates, my blueprint for success, weekly VIP coaching & support, FB group membership and Daily Brain Training Neural Changing Audios that will alter your brain chemistry and teach you to control your mind!  

After you watch the Mastermind Class, Schedule a Breakthrough call with Me and let's get you started in the program for success!

Here's to your success!

Jodi Pliszka, M.S.- High-Performance Mindset Expert



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