Your Leadership ROX!

Your Leadership ROX!

“In this world, you’re either growing, or you are dying, so get in motion and grow!” - Lou Holtz
“Everyone watches us all the time” - Keshava Naidu PwC Partner
“It’s the truth I’m after, and the truth never harmed anyone. What harms us is to persist in self-deceit and ignorance.” - Marcus Aurelius

These are three hard-hitting quotes!

Reflecting on the quotes, I recalled a recent engagement with a leadership team who were curious about how effectively they were leading their organisation, their credibility as leaders, and the impact of their leadership behaviors on each other, their teams, and organisational performance.?

In essence, they were questioning the value they are adding to their business, whether they were creating positive experiences for their employees and their customers??

This led to a rich conversation about ROX, a metric assessing value from positive experiences.

ROX is “Return on Experience” ?and brings together the Leadership Experience (LX), the Employee Experience (EX), and ultimately the Customer Experience (CX).

ROX acknowledges that your leadership behaviours, and how you “show up”, influences the experiences and behaviours of your employees and your customers.??

Key to an improved ROX, greater value, and positive experiences, lies in increased self-awareness and, as Marcus Aurelius says, a deep understanding of the truth about your leadership gifts and strengths and how your peers, colleagues, employees, and customers experience you.?

Leadership Circle is a powerful tool for this. The Leadership Circle assessments are best-in-class tools that empower leaders with clear-cut insights into their leadership strengths and development opportunities.

The team mentioned earlier embarked on an immersive Leadership Circle experience which enabled them to:

  • Fully understand their creative leadership strengths and gifts;
  • Appreciate how their gifts and strengths amplify their collective leadership;
  • Recognise how their reactive tenancies detract their leadership impact,
  • Use their TLC profiles as a catalyst for meaningful conversation, authentic sharing, and feedback,
  • Embrace a common vocabulary to engage with each other,
  • Embark on a journey of building trust and scaling their leadership, and
  • Work together for improved business results and increased shareholder value.?

The one takeaway from working with this team of leaders is the immense untapped potential that gets unlocked when leaders can make strong connections with each other and form a community of trust and belonging. This does not mean that there will never be differences of opinion or conflict and that leaders may have different approaches to how they lead. However, what it does mean is that a leadership team that operates from a space of connection, community, and trust can pivot much quicker, engage in courageous conversations easier, be more nimble &? responsive to external challenges, and are more mature to deal with any internal dynamics which occur from time to time.?

This sounds like a win-win situation!?

Can you relate to the above case study, and is this something you would want for your leadership team?


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