Your latest thought leadership content from the ZRG Culture Practice

Your latest thought leadership content from the ZRG Culture Practice

Welcome to this month's Culture Practice update from ZRG Consulting. In this edition, we’re excited to share our latest eBook on values, along with thought-provoking articles on how to harness organizational culture for success, measure its impact, and drive meaningful culture change within your organization.?

Download our Values eBook

The eBook contains a series of articles from ZRG Consulting Solutions, with insights and practical advice on how organizations can work on their values.

Download Here

Read our latest thought leadership articles

Insights from our experts

  • Organizational Culture and Success - Using Culture to Your Advantage For this blog, we will take a look at ideas to improve company culture and look into some successful corporate culture examples. That is, not just organizational culture and success but how it can be harnessed to your advantage for any specific business goal – from increasing customer-centricity to improving innovation.
  • Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast: How Culture & Strategy Link When management consultant and author Peter Drucker said, ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast,’ he could never have known how enduring his quote and its underlying concept would be. Decades later, and with daily examples from the corporate world that evidence these words, the idea that culture and strategy are intertwined is undisputed.?
  • Strategies and Tools for Culture Measurement In this article we look at why it’s critical to measure your company culture on an ongoing basis, what it is you should be measuring, and the tools we recommend to do this. We’ll also share some of the common pitfalls, how to avoid them, and tips for moving from measurement results to culture planning and activation.?
  • The importance of Internal Company Communication in Culture Change We at ZRG always stress the importance of matching your actions with your words on culture change, but that doesn’t mean the talk element is unimportant. Communication plays a critical role in explaining, amplifying, and helping to embed a new or enhanced culture.

Featured Solution

Leading Through Change

For decades, change management has been a core focus for organizations, yet the statistics remain sobering: up to 75% of change initiatives fail. Why? Because they overlook a fundamental truth—change isn’t just about managing processes; it’s about leading people.

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ZRG Consulting Solutions

We can now support you in more ways than simply culture – we can partner in business transformation, leadership acceleration, assessment & succession planning, executive and leadership coaching, and operational excellence.

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For over 20 years, ZRG's data driven, tech enabled approach to talent solutions has been changing how clients think about Human Capital. ZRG is now one of the fastest growing global talent management firms. We provide full-spectrum solutions for executive leadership, strategy and transformation, culture consulting, and on-demand talent needs.


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