Your Last Day One Earth
There is much discussion about our last day on the earth. For many people, that day occurred yesterday or may even occur today. But regardless when it may occur for us, we know it will come too soon and will surprise us all. In fact, while it may be exciting to consider what eternity holds and the mystery of the World to Come, I am not ready for that day just yet.
There are people-people we know-people we do not know-that did not wake up this morning. Through whatever act of fate happened, it was their time. The sun rises yet again and we all move forward. They are gone. Like Oingo Boingo says... "No One Lives Forever". I always wonder if everything that needed to be said-got said-if forgiveness ruled the day or not. More painful than the death of a loved one can be living with the unresolved conflict of asking ourselves, "I hope they knew how much they meant to me".
Some teachings I have heard focus on the idea of a final act of destruction-when everyone gets it at the same time-and thus separating the righteous and the unrighteous all in one sweep. If you land on God’s side, all is well. If not, Jesus is coming back to melt your face off. This type of "escapism" allows for a lack of concern about human life and the environment. (Like that ever happens)
I do not find this approach Biblical on one note and not very helpful on another. People are seeking and searching for spirituality. They need depth: a relationship with God would surely help. But today’s religious landscape is doing what it does best; answering questions that no one is asking and participating in Adventures in Missing the Point.
When we focus on days past, we are studying events we can not change. We become imprisoned by the memories that they bring-either by wishing our life was like it was in the past-or, by looking on in horror over the events that have happened to us. Basically, looking back on our days is not going to help us live our lives today. I find many of the people I talk to trapped by their worldview of a past world, thereby limiting the world that God wants to impact. Whether this worldview looks lovingly at the past, or in fear of it, it changes the perceptions of what we have to accomplish in the now.
Other people I meet are in a state of constant chatter about Heaven and the next life. You have heard the stories; streets of gold, no more pain, lions laying down with lambs. We can all rest assured on the promises of God and the fact He intends to re-establish His rule here on earth with all of us being participants in His glory. There will be a future with God, but again, for most people alive and breathing today, that future seems a long way off when the pains of rejection, failure and emotional suffering are currently pulsing through a person’s body.
My suggestion is that we experience each day as our first and last day on earth. Being alive today and not focused on past failures or future fears will allow us all the opportunity to connect with the Light of the Creator in the “now”. I need God’s connection in my life every minute. At any point when the connection breaks, my flesh takes over-my ego seeks temporary fulfillment and self-centered decisions occur. Simply put, I only focus on my Desire to Receive for Self-Alone.
What if we really went through each day thinking of our last words to our kids, the last embrace of our loved ones, the last kiss, the last look at a person of meaning to us… What if each and every move we made we thought of as our last-the last look at the mountains, the smell of freshly cooked food… You get the picture.
But above all, what if we realized that the last prayer or connection we made with God would lead to the moment we all crave-at a deep level in our souls-being face-to-face with our Creator?
We would live different lives if we removed our limited thinking and focused on the possibilities of each moment. Life, and I mean everyday life is crammed with possibilities for creating memories and opportunities. Where are we? Reading yesterday’s sports page celebrating victories and bemoaning the failures of the past? Are we reading the entire line of Left Behind books getting all nervous about who makes the cut and who will not?
The truth is we are all getting left behind each day. We are buying books about how its going to end when we are here with the point and purpose of bringing an end to the end. Let’s work together to live every moment fully aware and alive and make this the world Messiah wants to return to.