Are your Knickers in a Twist?
For those that don’t know me, I tend to easily get my “knickers in a twist.”
And while it might be pretty obvious to an outsider when these “Jess moments” begin to emerge, they weren’t always so apparent to me. However, with age comes a bit of wisdom, and while I still tend to get easily worked up, I have learned to recognise when it’s happening.
Do I sound crazy? Stick with me.
I have always been an exceptionally competitive and passionate person. This drive has not only fueled my own athletic pursuits, but it has also extended to the clients that I work with.
In fact, on numerous occasions, my drive for a client to do well in their own races has garnered the attention, and amusement, of many. But more on that another time.
The point? I have realised that this unyielding expectation for performance can become a hindrance, sometimes steering me away from the bigger picture.
Here are my two simple yet dependable strategies for untwisting my knickers and remaining in a “relaxed state of Jess” before the “stressed-out Jess” begins to surface.
Number 1: Think “Big Picture.”
After closely monitoring my thoughts, emotions and reactions, I soon realised how often my inner monologue would magnify everyday worries into something much worse. Nine times out of ten, I was not thinking about the bigger picture.
I was in danger of allowing these minute worries to carry over day after day, causing all types of bad twists in my knickers.
When this happens, I zoom out and look at the issue from a broader perspective.
Things will go right, and things will go wrong. While both the good and the bad have a vital role to play, I ultimately decide where my energy goes.
Number 2: Speak. Honestly.
I have found it historically tricky to rationally express my thoughts and feelings. This has changed while at InnerFight, which is no surprise since honesty is one of our brand’s values. The team know when I’m bullshitting instead of being sincere, and the former is not tolerated. I’ve learnt that it’s more than ok to be upfront about what’s happening in my life; the good, the bad, the great and the downright ugly.
The bottom line?
Being honest with others has allowed me to be more honest with myself, and that’s definitely reduced the twistage of my knickers.
Every day is a school day. I won’t always get it right, but I have found big-picture thinking and doubling down on honesty incredibly helpful.
Next time you see me, ask me if my knickers are in a twist. Just be prepared for me to ask you the same.
Fun - HONESTY - Simplicity - Smash Life - Mental Toughness - Hard Work