If your kid is being a little sh*t, gluten may be the issue
I’m not a parent, but it’s apparent?that more kids are acting like little sh*ts than ever before. I’ve seen kids screaming disrespectfully at their Moms across malls, airports and grocery stores - to their embarrassed Moms’ dismay. At first glance it seems like bad parenting, but gluten may be the biggest issue. I have also witnessed in real life, in person, with my own eyes, the ACTUAL TRANSFORMATION of a very badly misbehaving child in a short period of time due to the elimination of gluten. Seemed like a different person. Eye popping.
What is gluten?
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and triticale that is not easily digested by humans. Since the human system can't digest gluten all the way, it exists in large chunks within our system, causing tears in our intestinal walls that allow gluten peptides to cross through them, as well as through the blood-brain barrier. Gluten creates inflammation that presents differently depending on the person, whether they are celiac or (like most of us) non-celiac gluten sensitive. Gluten has been linked to:
According to Dr. David Perlmutter, author of the 2013 #1 NY Times Bestseller, Grain Brain, gluten causes immune activation in all of us, even if we don't feel any effects. The doctor recommends getting rid of gluten and sugar and eating a diet rich in brain-supporting fats. This webpage includes a list of the foods he recommends.
If your kid is struggling with behavioral issues, consider cutting out gluten. There are TONS of gluten free options in everything from chocolate and chips to pancakes and pizza. Have a look at the following resources to read what the studies say and what parents who've eliminated gluten have to say:
If you're keen to have an allergen test, my understanding is that the pin pricks are outdated and only 50% accurate, while the Wheat Zoomer claims to be 99% accurate for detecting gluten sensitivity. Test or no test, the behavioral changes that can be witnessed with a simple elimination diet are all the confirmation you need that the real terror in your house is actually gluten.
#glutenfree #ideaoftheday #ideaoftheweek #grainbrain
Thank you to Evi Radauscher on Unsplash for the photo.