Your Journey - Your Season
My reason for writing this 'article' is to bring in business, life, love and a reminder. It is written, "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the sun. There is a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to be born and a time to die." While there are many more verses, these encapsulate my reason for writing.
LinkedIn is business, so I'll start there. On the heels of Q4 where performance reviews and goals were given, now is the time the first results to the new Q1 are being viewed. Everyone is eager to see that the technology improvements, budget cuts, efficiencies implemented and a new workforce is all trending the right direction. Was what was planted successful?
Family and Faith matter as well. In January you made personal goals and made resolutions. In February we are blessed with love and history, an opportunity to learn. March is about faith and sowing. We are blessed with the knowledge of Jesus dying and rising. Giving us hope. In Texas I'm looking forward to planting. For now though, I am prepping the beds, a time to sow.
I'll share that for me and my family, our journey with our mom began an immediate dive in March 2023 to finalize in April 2023. Remember, "there is a time to be born and a time to die", but we are reaping what we are sowing even as we head towards death. Are you sowing with the best heart?
If you are working, you are only truly blessed if you are thankful for what you have. Take this time of your season to determine what you want and what the rest of your journey may look like. You and we are not what we do. We are far more than our title.
If you are not working (not by your choice), then you (and me) are blessed in that we are able to sow, learn, grow where we are planted and do the things our families need us to this season. In football there are four quarters. In the business world, there are four quarters. You don't lose in the first quarter. Some businesses say they 'live and die' by the first quarter, but rarely is that the case. The first quarter is where you see the needle moving. You are learning and applying. In our life right now, we are in the winter season moving towards spring.
I'll wrap this up by asking, are your preparing your beds for growth? Are you taking your goals/resolutions and that love and applying. You and we have time, in work and life/faith.