Your Journey to Becoming an Author Starts Here
Greenleaf Book Group
Greenleaf Book Group is an independent publisher and distributor dedicated to empowering experts and thought leaders.
Unlock the secrets to getting your foot into the publishing world?in this latest newsletter!
Determine which publishing path is right for you, how to create an effective book outline, and determining your goals for publishing success!
When Are You Ready to Submit?
Deciding when to submit your book for publication depends on your comfort level and experience. Whether you're a seasoned writer seeking editorial refinement or prefer a ghostwriter's assistance, your manuscript doesn't need to be flawless. The focus is on the content's relevance. We'll assess what editorial improvements can bolster your message and enrich the reader's journey.
Read the article here.
Why a Book Proposal is a Must for Nonfiction Authors
The foremost reason to start with a proposal is that, if you’re pitching to an agent or publisher, a proposal delivers the most pertinent information about your project in the shortest amount of reading time.
Read the article here.
Publishing Options Quiz
This quiz will help you to better identify which of these three options is better suited for you and your goals.
Read the article here.
Published Podcast Ep. 58?- How to Write an Effective Book Outline
Click here to listen to the full interview.?
Each month, our editorial and marketing teams share?their industry expertise on?the Greenleaf Learning Center.?