Is Your Iron Hot
Russell Shaw
Change: Remove the complexity and install the simple process. THEN you will see growth.
William B. Sprague passed away in 1876. He was an American Congregational and Presbyterian clergyman. He was educated at Yale, graduating in 1815.
He is known for the quote "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking it." We all have thoughts and ideas that will become a good idea.
Sometimes we say the iron isn't hot yet on our idea. So we wait and do not start out. You will actually get the iron hot if you go ahead and strike. When you do you will draw others to you.
Activity creates curiosity. Ever went by someplace where the door was closed but you could hear activity. You really wanted to go in and see what was going on didn't you? Well I know I do.
When we watch a western and the blacksmith is out in the open the noise gets your attention and we watch for a time. But when the door is closed and we hear noise especially if it is unusual noise we stop and look a little longer. Are you the one that goes in to find out what is going on or do you stop and look at the closed door and then go on your way.
If you want to have real change in your life you have to be curious about what is going on around us and within us. In this case behind the closed door.
We complain about nothing changing but we never strike the iron. The metal will never change if we do not strike it. If we are waiting for the iron to get hot we may miss an opportunity.
I know what you are thinking here, because I thought the same thing. If the iron is hot it will change faster and easier. You are correct but what opportunity will we miss if we wait for the iron to get hot. We all like faster and easier but that is not always the way things come.
When you start to strike we will draw others who are already hot, now is when it starts to get exciting. If we have several irons in the fire that are already hot our iron draws from the heat of the others not just the coals. As iron sharpens iron so the heat of other irons (men) will hear our iron (us).
You want growth go out and find some hot irons. That is the purpose of the Life Transformed team. We are going from Isolation to Community with our ideas. We do this because we want to get as many hot irons around us as we can.
Do you want to get your iron hotter faster but need help, I would love to tell you more about how going from Isolation to Community will create that for you.