Was your interview real ?
It is hard to know whether the post we have applied is Real or not. There might be several reasons that recruiter or owner has posted the post for some positions vacant within organisation. We are seeing mushrooming startups in India, some are being successful while other are fooling enough. We can see young CEOs at the age of 20 to 25 years even, which I believe is good as well.
There are several reasons that companies are creating fake jobs. In the condition of unemployment many desperate job seekers get lured by these fake advertisement and appears for Interview. No one would ever imagine that companies would conduct interviews for nonexistent jobs.
Enrich or updating oneself. Many people create fake jobs just to update their own knowledge or to learn new things from market. I have seen managers calling candidates from their rival organisations to know how exactly they work on particular tasks assigned to them. They only listen what you are doing and how you are doing rather sharing information on job they have called you for. Since the real job actually does not exist. Those poor job seekers waste their entire day and money in hope to get opportunity. These are filthy employee minds in few companies.
Addiction of meeting new people showing management you are actually doing something. I have seen many hiring managers and Company recruiters just to show and sustain in their organisation they keep calling all who are applying for jobs in their organisation. They have nothing to do how relevant the candidate is for the job. They follow up very genuinely with the candidate to appear for the interview. It gives very real feel of opportunity to job seeker too. The recruiter or perhaps Hiring manager is introduced to job seeker then and since the level or relevancy was not checked, which might be "No Salary matching, Responsibilities not matching, interest of candidate is not in job they are being asked to" Hence finally candidate can get rejected many time. It all happens due to huge gap of proper coordination according to JD and JS.
Trying to convince Applicant. There are times when HR gets good candidates for their organisation and want them to join on any cost. They conduct several round of interviews with different departments.
Companies now a days want employees like SuperHeros. But to feed them they have nothing. They themselves are the demotivating factors for their SuperHeros. They call really good people to attend the interview Even after knowing that they are not having enough budget for them and in many cases worst things happen. They start demotivating candidate on his or her CV taking out cases where they feel candidate can get convinced (Being - Baal ki khaal nikalna ) like talking about things such as - Gaps in employment, Gaps in Education, their targets If any, Their communication skills, not having proper experience on particular skill, etc. And worst thing happen when after all this candidate is convinced and ready to join AND Employer shares that they even do not have budget that matches the candidates current salary and want him to join on something which management will decide. If they found that candidate is unemployed from last few months they want them with low salary and to take more responsibilities than ever he or she involved into.
Brand Promotion. Now a days it is a new practice that creating fake jobs in market and calling candidates for interview. Thus they are actually spreading information abut their company in market. Most of startups are doing this. But actually when you apply for particular job you do not get any response and even after getting calls and attending interview there are no whereabouts of feedback. You keep following HR, you hear nothing.
Entering into new portfolio or business. Some companies start new portfolio with their existing ones while some enter into new business. And in both the cases hiring managers or department managers, or owners conduct interview to just gain information on particular product, services and information about their modus operandi.
In these cases you will perhaps receive relevant feedback else not.
OR Traditional response - We will get back yo you!
Thanks - Anil Sharma