Is Your Intelligence Artificial?
Artificial Intelligence our Future or is our own Intelligence Artificial?

Is Your Intelligence Artificial?

The purpose of penning this down is to offer conceptual frameworks for thinking through the key issues that may have arisen with the advent of ChatGPT. As previously recorded, it is of-course valuable and transformative as technology. The thought behind this advent (I presume) to help mankind ease out every day access to verified information is noble.?

I do not aim to conclude blandly the state of ChatGPT as addition to new media platforms and upcoming technologies but present some of the contested issues that are rife within this emerging situation we find ourselves in with everyone creating tumultuous amounts of online content by simple copy pasting content from the AI chat bot and duplicating it mindlessly to garner algorithm that enhance pay per click ratio on integrating affiliate marketing links for making sales for brands/money for themselves, invariably doom for the data set that keeps looping on unverified (mostly one-sided authors) content for generations to consume, concerning.?

For the moment, I wish for my readers to recognise the present occasion for a conjunction of date experts and consumers of this technology: the ChatGPT by Open AI. What, however are they? We take for these new methods and social practices of inputting data to retrieve what we trained to overtime believe, ‘answers’ to our questions (an evolved version of Google, for the GenZ. I wouldn’t dare call ChatGPT the WikiPedia for how academically we are trained to accept it to not be an academic resource, I bet to differ, but the world does not revolve around me -briefly, sense my modesty), communication, representing, and expressions that have developed using old, print, digital, multimedia networked platforms and the ways machines have transformed how work is worked in all new media ; from newspapers, books, radio to cinema, telephone to digital. When did all this happen? What, in other words is the period in which ‘everything just changed’? Is anyone keeping track?

The centre even as we blink, within it, has progressed from ‘digitisation’ to #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning and to many more fronts at different speeds. So it is difficult to pinpoint a single date or event for the emergence of ChatGPT (significant to note, it is marketed by the largest marketing giant the world witnessed in this decade, even though in parallel a spiritual GPT #GitaGPT was already in the makes and had a similar launch time as this pathbreaking technology, with less noise globally. It exists. The idea is not novice. There are many more in parallel that I’d be happy to learn about from my readers, confirming, we’re all thinking that way - in the long term and works are underway for more such tech innovation). Naturally then even the key developments in technology, conceptually possible are many.?

My readers some of them may contest, the so called ‘critical thinkers’ that there hasn’t been any substantial change at all, in fact they saw this coming. I agree. I could quote how say for example the PC (think the decade of personal computing) began to equip human kind with interactive graphic interfaces ; to possess enough memory to run the early versions of image manipulation software to bring to light ideas and concepts of earlier visionaries (who did not quite all exist to defend their ideas in representation to everything passed down as the honest, undebatable truth) appeared to become reality, our truth then, that we further billed upon and took a step further as our truth now. However, looking back, academically at critical accounts of new media and its stress derived from its continuity in economic interests, political imperatives and cultural values that drive and shape the ‘new truth’, as much as to belittle or push away the ‘old truth’. Outstripping almost all existing ‘old’ using compulsive competitive algorithm to create ‘new’ with the defence of inventing to avoid passive analogue media, is a trick - it’s a strategic, capitalist myth. ChatGPT and more thereby could potentially if not used mindfully be just one more way in which capitalism ruthlessly rips us off with seductive commodities and the false for a better life. These are important outlets yes, as were computers, advanced related digital technology media (social, virtual reality, etc.) and other cultural technologies, have influenced us in both complex and direct ways and have played a major role in social, cultural, political and strategic global narrative change. The question however remains, can they be simply celebrated as great human benign achievements or is no one going to pause, step back and look at their impact as also evil capitalist scams??

Pursuing my key context here - the #OpenAi #ChatGPT does not have emotions, opinions or beliefs, and therefore cannot be honest or dishonest in the same way humans can. ChatGPT is designed to provide accurate and helpful responses to the best of its abilities based on the data it has been trained on. ChatGPT's responses are generated based on statistical patterns in the language data it has been trained on and may not always be perfect or entirely accurate. They say this out loud. The owners of this technology are telling the world this. Are we listening though? Have we read the ‘disclaimer’ before agreeing to all of the above and consuming on loop this technology and rave about it to our children who are now using this to set up their own YouTube accounts and make money on Instagram by believing every word that comes on screen via this ‘emotionless’ technology??

The critical new media academics are by standers to this (I would put myself in this category) who have been a part of the critical consumers who went so deep under the waters that while some may not have seen the waves coming at a point while we were immersed in this new experience, very few wore safety jackets and had evacuation resources handy for safety measures. The uncritical utopians are so focused on the crest of this wave however that they do not?see the ocean they are a part off. Opposing this view on emerging consumerism of capitalist ChatGPT (TikTok in stiff competition) does is not a genuine dispute. It is however, not something you can not talk about or go back to work as usual. ChatGPT and it’s consumption is not business as usual but if we can be mindful of its consumption, recognise the data set and its verification to not be accurate/incomplete/one-sided especially when it comes to putting forth facts about nation-states/global warming/major banks that move money to run the world - media houses/communications networks and further how narratives are set, not all business has collapsed.?

I do not wish to stand back from the hype or investigate the nature of this change, not oblivious to the fact that there is, no real alternative. It is imperative however, I reckon, we are mindful enough to draw our consumers - our produsers (academic reference to consumers who are producing content as they know more) to 1) How to use ChatGPT any other such advents 2) emphasis on wider questions of culture and technology. It would be ideal also, if we could start knowing more, before we sharing more about the truth of this narrative that exists online on the internet today, add to its verifications (or call out the inaccuracies) before we build on technologies that loops on fraudulent/baseless (most of the times, not always) content to drown our future further from never getting to the truth of this beautiful world we consume ever so passionately and wish to change (without knowing why and where, what the change really needs to be). Critical concerns for #CreatingKinderContent #MallikaBajaj


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