Is your inner world serene? Don’t read on!
This post has been sitting in my outbox for months. It made its first timid appearance for feedback and then I quickly put it away. However, life happens and I keep receiving the same complaint: “I can't find anything for adults”.
A little backtracking. Over the last few months I've been working hard to produce content that appeals to as many people as possible. I've received a lot of positive feedback on my blog posts, that they're clear and interesting. Then I got feedback from someone who knows me well, like a punch in the stomach. ‘Yes, it's good what you write, but it's not you!’ Ouch! Feel the moment of breathlessness, bent in half.
So yes, it's just one person... just one opinion... but if I was flabbergasted, it's because I felt it too! I've limited myself to try and respond to the codes of social networking and I've forgotten to tell you about what really drives me. In fact, I've been afraid to tell you about my uniqueness.
Part of what I say on my website is that I coach managers and executives.
In fact, no! In one on one coaching, only people who have certain characteristics reach out to me, whatever their role or profession.
I'm going to list some of these characteristics for you - maybe you'll recognise them?
But you're not alone! There are lots of people like you. People like me, who are gifted, atypical, neurodivergent, on the autism spectrum... and who may or may not be aware of it. People who recognise themselves in their children's diagnoses or in certain traits they hear about around neurodivergence.
If this speaks to you, then we're already set to understand each other!
What prompts me to talk about this today is that all too often I hear people saying that they don't feel understood by neurotypical psychologists or therapists, that ‘there's nothing for neurodivergent adults’, that they've tried ‘but it didn't work’.
I've been working with people on a one-to-one basis for over 7 years now and it's only atypical profiles that come to me. They come looking for a neurodivergent ear and experience, someone who has lived through and can understand these feelings, this suffering, this discrepancy.
In my coaching, I will support your needs without locking you into standard labels, I will help you make the most of your uniqueness which, for the moment, can be experienced as a difference. Just imagine feeling heard and understood! Unique support for unique people.
Through Yinsight, I support companies, their managers and teams in their development with a view to achieving tangible performance that respects people. Creating strategy, working on collective values, aligning teams, managing complexity and interpersonal dynamics, and providing individual and collective support for transformation are at the heart of my work.