Injured While Exercising?

Injured While Exercising?

Have you ever gotten injured doing an exercise and heard your doctor say, "Well, don't do that exercise anymore?" A better way would be to ask the right questions to get the right answer. While poor training practices can lead to injuries, the culprit is often your lifestyle.

So, instead of focusing on the exercise you were doing when you felt a pull in your back or hip, ask yourself:

  • "What was my stress level leading up to the workout?"
  • "How has my nutrition been? Lots of protein and veggies ... or chips, dips, and crap?"?
  • "Have I been sleeping closer to 8 hours a night ... or 4 hours a night?"
  • "Are there certain positions that are difficult or painful for me to get into, but the instructor at my boot camp class just tells me if I keep forcing myself, it'll get better?"

Every human being has a limited capacity for how much stress they can endure on a given day. And when we overdo it and exceed our capacity, bad things happen -- like injuries and illness.

So if you got injured in your workout, and the previous 24 hours looked like this ...

?? 2 hours in a car and 10 hours at a desk

?? No breakfast, fast food for lunch, pizza, wings, and beer for dinner

?? 4 1-2 hours of sleep at best

?? Zero time spent on managing stress or improving your flexibility

... then it wasn't the deadlift that hurt your back. All the other stuff pushed you past your capacity before picking up the barbell.

The good news? All the other stuff is controllable, as long as you train with proper form.

So if your doctor has told you that you should stop doing certain exercises because of back, knee, or shoulder injuries. I’m here to share some good news:?

Your injuries do NOT define you.

While we can’t ignore our injuries, we can and should manage them, and they do not need to hold us back from doing everything we love.

As with anything else, focus on controlling the controllable.


Unlike the damaged cartilage in your knee, you can control your stress, diet, and sleep … all factors that have a massive impact on your physical and emotional health, not to mention your longevity.

Simple changes to your diet (like eating lots of fruits and vegetables, incorporating lean protein and healthy fats, and supplementing where appropriate, can give you more energy for your workouts and help you recover better and faster.


Healthy stress management practices:

Mindful meditation can reduce cortisol levels (the body’s “stress hormone”). And the holy grail of recovery – sleep – can keep you doing all the activities you want and need to do.


Functional Diagnosis:

This includes joint mobility and soft tissue flexibility, which can be improved with targeted and methodical corrective exercise.

Dr Fitness USA Pain Management Formulas include:

A) Warm-ups are incorporated in the sequencing and ergonomic applications of each exercise designed to allow the body to achieve foundational movement patterns safely.?

B) Targeted corrective exercises are implemented to access the strength and stability we need to move safely in and out of the positions.

C) Progressive overload is achieved with our proprietary weight ratio system, enabling you to increase strength and mobility safely and effectively.

Having an injury history doesn’t mean you should stop working out or avoid certain exercises.

With our experienced guidance, you can continue doing all the things you love, want, and need to do to improve your health, feel younger, and continue a healthy exercise program as you age.

And the best part, you can do it through our online coaching system while using your local gym.



