For your information only:
WHAT IS A PRE-ADVICE?A 'Pre-Advice' is a message sent by the Provider's bank advising of the anticipated assignment of a bank instrument to your client(s) account(s). The Pre-Advice should be clear and concise, and provide the following information relating to each incoming payment:
Customer Name and Account Number to be assigned
Currency and Amount
Value Date
Name of Remitting Entity
Name of Correspondent/Remitting Bank
The Pre-Advice of incoming assignment allows to optimize its aggregate funding requirements and maximize returns on long balances, as well as to meet regulatory requirements governing accounts in some jurisdictions. This, in turn, allows your client's bank to offer competitive interest conditions on accounts by taking advantage of optimum market liquidity, as well as providing further tangible benefits to your client.
The custumer bank will match our Pre-Advice of incoming funds with the payment message received from the remitting banks. This facilitates the posting of incoming funds to your account(s).
- ? Receipt of our Pre-Advice message, in advance of the instrument cut-off time, will ensure that good value is applied to incoming instrument.
- ? The client bank function is able to manage its liquidity position more effectively and, as a consequence, is able to maximize its return on funds, which is reflected in the competitive interest conditions offered to you.
In conclusion, Pre-Advising is an essential tool in your effective management of cash flows, ensuring that good value is applied to incoming instrument.
These is just general information about the Pre advice. As in everything you do you should consult with your bank as to your specific situation and whether or not you require a pre advice.
The provider is ready to cover the expenses of the delivery of the pre-advice against the invoice for the leasing fees. The Lessee can deduct the cost of the pre advice from the amount he must pay to lease the instrument for one year.