Is Your Influencer Actually Influencing Anyone?
Ian Lacovara
Revolutionizing Business Growth with AI-Powered Voice, Workflows, and Customer Management Solutions | I Ninja LLC | SaaS Innovations for Scalable Success
The internet is an amazing place. It allows us to connect with people all over the world. It gives us the ability to sell our products, offer our services, and share our stories. It allows us to show off versions of ourselves that are less flawed less awkward, and more confident and charismatic. The internet lets people be whoever and whatever they want to be. For those of us who are seeking out Influencers this can pose a serious problem.
It can be easy to spot a fake profile if you know what to look for, but some people are so dedicated to their personas that they become very good at faking it. So, is your Influencer legit, or are they Cat Fishing unsuspecting Entrepreneurs?
First you should try to figure out if they are who they say they are. Many famous and influential people have had to deal with the repercussions of people impersonating them. Use Google’s reverse image search to see if the photos that they have on their page have been posted in other places. Look up their phone number and see what information you can gain. These are just the very basics.
The next thing to look at is their following vs follower ratio. Good influencers are usually followed by many more people than they are following. Be careful with this one because people can very easily pay for followers. Don’t decide based on just one social media profile, check out all of them.
See their engagement. A good influencer has engaging content. They comment, like, and share. They also have written some of their own genuine content. It is easy to repost from someone else; a real influencer wants to add their own thoughts on the matter as well.