Your "I Wish" List.
John Nimmo
Best Selling Author | Certified Executive Coach | Organizational and Team Health | Advance Sales Training | Stabilize, Optimize, Scale. | Let's Connect.
What are your alternatives?
I wish I could say I always listened. Even now, I struggle with open mindedness.
I wish I could say I've always given my best. But, in all honesty, there have been times when I didn't care.
I wish I could say leadership is easy. But I'd be lying. True leaders accept and relish responsibility for doing the heavy lifting.
I wish I could say I made all the right decisions. But mostly I've learned through failure.
I wish I could say, I've never had limiting beliefs or that I was always confident. But my doubt helped me develop more faith and courage.
I'd like to believe I've always operated with honorable intent. But, honestly, I can't say that's true either.
So, when considering your past, what would you change about your "I wish" list?
My mentor Paul Martinelli always says and we've all heard it.
"Experience is the best teacher".
Of course it is. Bad experience is most memorable though. I skinned my knees a few times when learning to ride a bicycle. And whenever possible, I prefer to learn from someone else's bad experience. Just so I don't repeat the behavior. We all have them. If there is value in being the average of your five closest friends, or joining a master-mind group, this would be it. It's learning from someone else's experiences.
When faced with decisions and circumstances today, how do you respond?
Is your first step to seek advice? Are you willing to accept the risks associated with taking action? I assure you, for your success, there is no other choice. There are always risks and costs to action.
Thinking without taking action can lead to problems remaining unresolved with all the accompanying anxiety and stress too. Feeling overwhelm is consistent, and a strange bedfellow with non-action.
Perhaps you have noticed, problems, if ever, fix themselves. Entropy is the state of worsening without intention. (Emphasis mine.) I promise you, without intervention, your problems, your circumstances, when left alone, will only expand and worsen. They definitely won't fix themselves. So, the sooner the action, the better.
According to the law of vibration, everything (I do mean everything.) is in a constant state of change. The science is clear.
Therefore, It’s crucial to recognize that organizations and leaders get "stuck" due to a lack of agility. Exposure exists when we are reluctant to initiate or to embrace change and isn't it true, we often refuse to listen, accept advice, when we think we know all the right answers? And yet, often,we continually struggle with our results. As in ""I wish they were..... X".
So, how is that working out for you?
Consider your "I wish" list.
What changes are needed to accomplish your list? What is needed to achieve the results I most desire in my life and in my business? Who are my trusted advisors? Who has the experience I need?
Go Step! Why don't you write down three things that need decisive action right now? Perhaps you have good reason for the delay. Is it really a reason or simply an alibi or excuse?
I'd love to hear about that.
The Information is out there... all you gotta do is let it in.
~ Jesse Stone
Be encouraged. And Encouraging!