Your Home, Your Way, Our Promise

Your Home, Your Way, Our Promise

The LIVV value proposition includes the rigorous mitigation, and even elimination, of all risks usually associated with buying an off-plan property. With LIVV, buyers no longer need to fear unwelcome surprises: The company is justifiably proud of its long and unblemished track record for on-spec, on-time, and on-budget delivery. That is part of the LIVV Promise, the iron-clad guarantee of the Las Vegas company that it will unfailingly honor its commitments.

Transparency is part of this guarantee. Interested buyers enjoy ample opportunity to discover and explore the LIVV home – or homes – of their choice, including the three available interior design style. Thanks to a state-of-the-art rendering platform, homebuyers can embark on a virtual walkthrough and see how their choice of options, color schemes, textures, and other elements of customization interact – long before they are committed.

The renderings are true-to-life down to the smallest detail. This way, customers can easily tweak designs and styles to suit their exacting demands. Like its luxury homes, LIVV renderings are custom made to reflect the customer’s selections, including home models, floor plans, exterior styles. Any imperfections or clashing choices can be spotted and corrected before building gets underway.

LIVV’s lifelike renderings take chance out of the home-buying equation and allows future owners to get intimately acquainted with their LIVV home long before the first spade breaks ground. An added advantage is the possibility to personalize spaces and ambiances with decorative elements and details – and closely examine the overall result.

The LIVV what-you-see-is-what-you-get approach to the home-buying experience is both unique and fully transparent. Disagreeable surprises upon delivery are eliminated and, perhaps equally important, on the Big Day, the buyer and his/her family move into a home with familiar surroundings without the need to figure out what goes where and how.



