Your Hero's Journey as a Memoir-You are a hero on your own hero's journey!
Denis Ledoux
Helping first-time and (often) only time writers via coaching, editing, ghostwriting, and book production to produce the book they so dream of.
I have just published a YouTube video on how your memoir is the story of you as a hero on the hero's journey.
In ancient stories, the hero was commissioned to undertake a difficult quest. Jason’s quest for the Holy Grail is one such example. He must leave his homeland and undertake a series of nearly impossible tasks to reach the Holy Grail and then he must bring the Holy Grail back to the people. The people will perish without his return with the grail.
Have you thought of yourself as recording your hero’s journey in your memoir? Perhaps you have never thought of yourself that way—but in fact, you are a hero. It is the energy of your hero’s journey that has impelled you to write a memoir. Every memoir tells the story of a hero’s journey.
Connect to the video to learn more. While you are there, check out the free memoir-writing e-course I make available in the video description.
In today’s free memoir-writing e-course, I speak about raising your story to a mythic level, to the hero’s level. You may not feel your life is mythic, but give these videos a try. You may end up thinking otherwise! You are a hero!
Today's video: You Are a Hero on Your Own Hero's Journey!