Your help and support for our women and children is very much appreciated
Adrian R. Blackman, CMILT (aka An Bo Wen)
Executive Vice President at Woodland Group
Dear LinkedIn Friends,
It’s that time of the year again where I reach out to our Friends, Partners & Acquaintances in the hope I can once again count on your support for our Women and Children of domestic violence.
You of course know me as a result of our international cooperation and/or personally and I thank you for remaining a Valued Partner and Friend of mine and Woodland. Today however I would like to reintroduce to you the charitable side of me that devotes time in his personal time, working voluntarily to help and support our women and children of domestic violence.
I remain affiliated with an agency named Neopolitan Lighthouse, a Chicago based free program to shelter, encourage, educate and emotionally support women victims of domestic violence and their children.
For the past 8 years I have personally offered my financial support to this amazing non-for-profit organization and I am very proud to maintain the ongoing awesome support of Woodland and now hope we can count on your support also. The contributions received last year made a huge difference to our women and children of domestic violence and I am now extending this invitation beyond the US asking if you can join me to help us further this much needed cause.
In order to maintain a certain level of government funding, it is vitally important that Neopolitan Lighthouse also do all that is within their power to raise funds and it is for that reason I ask you to once again please take a moment to consider supporting this agency. Your donation will assist the agency in furthering its mission to provide safety for victims of domestic violence and promote self-sufficiency and self-reliance.
My goal for this event is to raise at least US$ 25000.00, with your help….
The Neopolitan Lighthouse conducts various fund raisers during the course of the year and I have attached the plugger (above) for this year’s Steppin’ Out Domestic Violence gala. I would like to invite you to attend this event as it is quite an eye opener and of course a fun evening, with great food and entertainment, but, if for some reason you are unable to attend, I would also like to ask that you support the cause as generously as you can.
If you are interested in attending, please revert back to me and advise how many seats or tables you would like to reserve. Tickets are US$ 35.00 each, so a table of ten would be US$ 350.00. If you are unable to attend, but still willing to support this great cause, please do write a check (which will be tax deductible) made payable to: Neopolitan Lighthouse.
Please either go on-line to make a donation or send checks made payable to "Neopolitan Lighthouse" to my attention to:
Adrian Blackman
c/o Woodland Group
1054 Tower Lane
Bensenville, IL 60106, USA
Again; checks are to be made payable to Neopolitan Lighthouse.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. We look forward to hearing from you and look forward to receiving your continued support and hopefully seeing you too.
Thanking you in advance for your kind attention and continued support.
Adrian R. Blackman, CMILT
Executive Vice President
M: +1 847 867 9510
E: [email protected]
National Licensed Customs Broker
8 年What an amazing opportunity to help these women and children!