Your Heart's Overflow Is What Your Mouth Speaks

Your Heart's Overflow Is What Your Mouth Speaks

Do you consistently speak words of hope or do you speak words of despair? The power of words we use is immense. Some of their impact even time cannot erase.?

But from where do words pour out? Jesus spoke the truth when he said: “For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Yes, speech is an outflow of the abundance of good or bad we store up in our hearts.

Words spoken do carry great power. In fact, the wise King Solomon said, “The tongue has the power of life and death; and those who love it will eat its fruit.” It is no secret that words affect us, influence our emotions, and colour our relationships.

So let us strive to build others up through our words. Let us encourage others; and let us avoid diminishing people in front of others. A little bit of kindness in our hearts can make the words we speak have a healing touch. It can become a lifeline of hope to a discouraged person.?

But an empty vessel cannot pour out water. Likewise life-giving thoughts have to be stored up in our hearts to give life-giving words to others.

In other words, motivational speaking is effective only when the speaker is overwhelmingly thinking of uplifting the audience and painting for them the possibilities that life and the future holds for them.?

His or her words should help the listeners look away from their current reality which might look like a wet blanket of despair to the future that is like a door wide open to what each of those persons can become.?

Your words therefore can throw open God-gifted possibilities in the life of people. So store up God’s Spirit-filled wisdom in your heart; and your words will truly ignite hope for others. Let your mouth always speak the good, the lovely, and the inspiring that your heart is full of.

But inspiring words do not happen by chance. It has an intense and intimate connection with what our character truly is. And character is not formed in a day or two. It is shaped over the years.

For we are shaped not only by what we allow to influence us but also by what we make an honest effort to avoid. For if we avoid the baggage of words that are acidic like slander, gossip, and mocking others; our mouths will speak only of the beautiful things stored up in our hearts.

Then when we talk; our conversations will turn out to be pleasant; filled with kindness like food seasoned with salt. It will taste good and preserve relationships in contrast to having a bad taste and destroying others.?

Let us therefore keep our eyes and ears open to store up good things in our hearts so that when we speak they will bring words of cheer, hope, and comfort out of the abundance stored up there.

"But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgement for every careless word they have spoken." -- Jesus Christ

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Featured image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels | Microsoft Designer


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