Your heart was made to be known and to be loved- discover the affection that builds your solid romantic relationship
What do you think you were made for? Or what could you tell people if they’d have a gun pointed at your head and you’d save yourself by saying what you think you were made for?
Could you really save yourself from such a scenario? Or at your age, have you ever asked yourself such kind of questions like “why I’m who I’m? “What made whoever made me, made me?”
Do you speak to yourself? You do or you don’t?
Let me tell you something about me…….I don’t find it weird though but some people have questioned it and I allow them to
I’m this kind of person who speaks to himself at times……actual a lot of times
This is how it happens and don’t get thinking I’m crazy…….I’m not mad at all
At times, especially when something challenges me
I happen to hear a voice deep inside me talking; asking questions until it becomes clear and my lips gets to cooperate
I kind question everything that I read, hear or think, for example
When I get sick, id don’t have the feeling that I’d die from that disease but again I ask myself things like:
Why do some people die from disease like this yet I don’t feel like I’d die from it?
Or at times things like:
When I fall in love with a lady, I would do everything to show her that I do appreciate the fact she loves me back
But the strange thing is……I don’t feel like a lady should love me back because I told her {seduced her} that I love here instead I like something like:
Let a lady love me from within herself and not because I seduced her
The conflict then comes where a lady asks me for an affair……I would have dozens of questions like “How on earth could she ask me for an affair? How many guys did she ask up to this point of her life?”
That is about me, how about you?
How often do you have a self-talk?
As far as love is concerned, what do you think you were made for?
Do you think you were made for someone to study you? Do you think you were made for someone to read you? Or do you think you were made for someone to attune to you?
Attunement is defined as desire and willingness for someone to travel inside you, inside your inner living and inside your heart to explore who you’re and what you would become.
In a solid and firmly relationship, attunement is the connection that brings about cultivation of trust that would put your heart at rest
Do you believe solid and unshakeable romantic relationships exist? Or at least do you believe you can build a romantic relationship that stands all the dangers of the world and grow to be a mature and complete secure love affair?
If you didn’t know, let me tell you something that is crucial for anyone looking to build a surviving affair
I’m not a very tremendous expert about love but trust me……My experience and knowledge about women and their twisted minds, I can be a helping badass to you
The truth is…… ladies tried to broke my heart about this……”I love you, I don’t love you thing” they didn’t know that whenever I seduce a lady, I always prepare for the outcome and I’m the kind who walks to a lady and expect rejection.
So before the rejection comes to me, I already have dealt with it within me and this made some girl ask if I really have a heart!
She rejected me when I seduced her ……the kind of rejection most men starts a fight my friend!
The rejection that comes with hot insults and words like” you’re not my type, do you think you can date type of me” so when she did that, instead of getting furiously angered. I were there smiling and in fact I ordered a soda for her. It was I guess Christmas, the time boys want to hang around with cute girls. Ask boys they’ll tell you how it feels walking with the most beautiful looking chick in your hood.
You would feel like the president because the respect you’d get from big ass boys is enough to make you feel like you just landed a government job…….Hahaaa
So this lady went back to her normal thinking and though she didn’t drink my soda…..I went and took it myself , shared it with my boys who were cursing her existence….This is the good thing with boys, they always take burdens together even rejection
To cut the story short…..I met this lady one on one while from the market
It was getting dark and as I’m always me, no fear type
I approached her and told her I was thankful for her reaction the other day but then I made a statement that made her stand still and look at me before opening her mouth……I said …..” you’re cute and I appreciate that. What you did to me, was cool to you wasn’t it? I don’t blame you, I blame your maturity and that mind inside your head. Why wouldn’t you tell me you didn’t want me while alone instead you checked me in a public place to just embarrass me? I’m mature enough to have taken that in good faith but what if I was the rough kind of boy? What would happen now that you’re here alone with me? And it getting dark don’t you see? People do kill ladies of your character so don’t go enjoying breaking boys’ hearts and embarrassing them. And in addition….I understands you don’t love me and I accept that but do you think insulting me, do you any good?”
Before I could continue talking….something I had prepared to.
I had made a decision that I would talk as she listens until I get close to her home and by that time ,I would have lectured her enough……It didn’t work out my way instead she spoke
She was soft to a point that I realized she was going to apologize which she did
The thing is…..That lady ended up dating me and so at times she used to ask me if I truly have a heart that gets broken….My joke is ,I always say I don’t have but I’ve got a heart. What do you think I use to pump my blood with?
The point here is, to truly love another. You must read them, read them so deep and loud.
This is not the reading where you skim pages of a book, reading only the interesting topics ….A fat NO!
This is the kind of reading where you focus as you get captivated by the story line and plot
This reading is about attentiveness and the capacity of curiosity of wanting to know more and the anticipation of much more to come from your lover
Think it this way:
Your parents are not curious about you, why?
Because they already know who you are
They were there when you were born
They watched you grow to the person you’re to date
So there is an assumption that your parents know you well than any other person right?
Now talking about love and the romantic attentiveness, it also comes with the assumption of knowing your partner well
And the more you know about your partner, the more you know that you don’t know about them. This is the sense of humility that is required for a solid romantic relationship.
Without delight in the kind of curiosity about your partner or “Lover” your quest to understand him/her is nothing than just a dissection of your heart or theirs.
As you see, the thing that a strong love relationship is built upon is attunement.
Attunement should be more than “I know you, I know what makes you happy or angry, and I know when you’re disturbed by something or when you’re all fine”
Your romantic relationship should be rooted in the faith that what you know about your partner
What your partner know about you, bring about more expectation of the good things than bad things.
Learning to assess attunement in a romantic relationship is what would build your affair stronger than the broken affairs you always see around.
Build your romantic through reading the patterns of your partner
Know them deep and when you do, you’d recognize what things to do and not to do to them
You will always learn what words and say and not to say to them
When you attain that… will have managed to build a strong relationship that will beat the odds and stand firm