Is Your Health a Priority?
Studies show Canadians are working longer hours than ever before - nearly a full extra work day each week. It’s easy to let our daily demands overshadow our own needs— especially when it comes to our health. That’s one of the reasons that Cleveland Clinic Canada has partnered with organizations in our community- to help their employees live healthier lives. We wanted to help our friends and colleagues at Brookfield Place prioritize their health – check out what we did:
Now that I have your attention, let me ask you this: What have you done/what are you doing today to prioritize your own health? Start small. Eat a healthy breakfast. Take that 15-minute walk at lunch. Book a doctor’s appointment to check out that issue that has been bugging you. Go to bed an hour earlier tonight. These small changes can make a big impact on your health.
A special thanks to LG2 Toronto for the creative and the video.