Your Health Deserves Better
Illnesses or injuries often come uninvited. And having a good health insurance plan can be your biggest mental and financial safeguard. It protects your finances & your health by helping you get the medical care you need. But unfortunately, only 25% of the total population has some sort of health insurance. Further, the coverage held by many of the insureds might not be as comprehensive or sufficient as you expected it to be. In that case, you have to bear the cost of additional medical expenses and that can be a cause of stress.
Rising medical costs mean you need health insurance that is truly value for your money & cares for you too. So when you're in a medical crisis, it can provide you with a degree of care that gives true peace of mind and go beyond the conventional plans of what health insurance can be.
Discovery: Health Insurance plans tend to leave out some of the HealthCare aspects.
Let’s say you have an insurance policy that says it covers hospitalization costs. But does it really? When a person gets hospitalized, a part of the bill value is sometimes not covered as a non medical items or what is also known as non payables, and the patient has to pay for all such miscellaneous things from their own pockets.
It is essential to understand the problem before we look into the solutions. There are 3 major issues that need to be addressed by health insurance companies:
1. OPD expenses are largely not covered
2. 100% of the expenses are not paid at the time of claim
3: Some procedures, conditions are not insured
?Approximately 60% of the health care costs are out-of-pocket expenses. There are also long waiting periods for many of the chronic conditions such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Asthma and Obesity. Hence, when these conditions arise, your policy might not help you take care of the expenses.
Introducing ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime
Now that we know the hitches that come with a health insurance plan, we can also tackle them. What you need is a complete ‘HealthCare Insurance plan.’ It’s a plan that doesn’t only pay for all your medical expenses when needed but also helps you maintain & take care of your health. It’s a golden median where your needs & problems related to medical expenses can be solved. ManipalCigna aspires to solve problems in the health insurance domain by simply paying attention & care to your needs. This is why we have launched a revolutionary product #ProHealthPrime. The perfect fit to meet your above mentioned needs.?
Now, let’s take a look at how this plan solved these problems – essentially by prioritizing care!
1. It covers your Non-Medical expense
ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime relieves you from the worries of non-medical expenses and provides you 100% of the claim amount without any deductions towards the non-medical items.
2. It gives you Cashless OPD cover
ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime insurance covers you not just for emergencies for feveryday OPD expenses to guard you against the costs you incur on doctor consultations, diagnostics, and pharmacy requirements.
3. The Switch-Off benefit
You also get a unique option to switch off your premium for up to 30 days in a year. Let’s say that you want to travel abroad, where the insurance is not applicable. In such a scenario, you shouldn’t be required to pay the premium because you’re not being covered. And you don't have to with ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime. You can switch off your cover and save money on your next premium.
4. It gives Unlimited Restoration even for related illnesses
ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime gives you ‘Unlimited Restoration of the sum insured,’ so you would never face any shortage of sum insured for any type of claim, whether it is a related or unrelated illness.
5. No cap on room choice
Also, you can pick a hospital room from any category. You can choose to be admitted in a private room or even a suite or above without any restrictions.
6. And Yes, Pre Existing Diseases are covered
ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime – Active Plan specifically made for people with pre-existing conditions like asthma, diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, & obesity .This takes into consideration people who already have these conditions, and gives them an opportunity to avail a Health Insurance plans basis their health condition offering a waiting period of just 90-days which make a whole world of a difference.?
While the pros speak for themselves and may seem enough to cover all your needs, you still have the option of customizing your plan according to your specific requirements. Sharing a short product highlight video and for more details do visit
In the end saying, “Nothing has ever happened to me,” is no the right way to go about it. The right thing to do is to not just have Health Insurance but a HealthCare Insurance that protects yourself and your family from the uncertainties of life. And while you do so, make sure you get the right one because #EkBaarLoAcchaLo!?
Stay safe, stay healthy, and remember #HealthInsuranceZarooriHai!
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2 年Grt product proposition. Many congrats Team MCHI??