Your Guide To Success In Q4
With Q3 coming to an end, take some time to reflect on the last 90 days.
?It's important to look in the rear-view mirror before you plan for the next 90 days.
?- How were the last 90 days in your personal life?
?- How were the last 90 days in your business?
?- What were your wins during the last 90 days?
?- What were your challenges during the last 90 days?
?- How were your business finances in the last 90 days?
?and most importantly... did you achieve everything you set out to achieve at the start of Q3?
?If the answer is no, ask yourself why? Is it because you didn't have a strong plan in place?
Download our 90 day reflection booklet below and continue reading to find our free 90 day planning template...
Planning For Success
"If you don't know where you're going, you probably won't get there"
For every business, whether large or small, being able to plan effectively is crucial for growth and survival in today's highly competitive markets. There's no doubt that without great planning, you're likely to miss out on opportunities, stunt your growth and ultimately limit your success.
As the old saying goes .... "Fail to plan ..... plan to fail".
With this in mind, are you clear on your goals and expectations for the quarter ahead? Equally, have you created a great plan focused on delivering them?
Download our free 90 day planning template to get started.
Navigating Transparency: When And How To Inform Your Team About Selling The Business
Deciding to sell a business is a significant and often complex decision that involves strategic planning, meticulous execution, and careful consideration of various stakeholders.?
One critical aspect of this process is deciding when and how to communicate the decision to your team.?
Timing and transparency are key factors in ensuring a smooth transition and maintaining a positive work environment.
Over the years we’d like to think that we’ve learnt some of the best practices for informing your team about the sale of the business while also managing some of the potential risks associated with premature disclosure.
Expert Advice and Unique Peer to Peer Support
Whilst many businesses achieve growth of 20% or more in one year, very few actually ever achieve it consistently.
The financial benefits of scaling an organisation are unquestionable for both shareholders and stakeholders alike. And yet why is it that so few ever achieve it?
Put simply - Scaling Up is first and foremost a mindset.
It's a mindset that only a few really possess and requires a huge amount of resilience and self-belief, alongside innate commercial and strategic acumen to deliver and maintain the consistent levels of industry leading growth.