Your Guide to Starting 2023-24 the Right Way
Back to School
Are you ready for the new school year? Follow this guide to get set up correctly and encounter fewer headaches throughout the year.
Classes & Terms
It’s essential to set up your first term correctly, so please review these steps. Each one links to more detailed information.
Daily Attendance
Once your classes and terms are set up properly, attendance only takes a few seconds.
Click here to watch a two-minute video on taking attendance.
Click here for additional attendance info.
Teacher Pages
Keep your class informed with Teacher Pages. Instructors use these personalized web pages as announcement boards, newsletters, and class/course pages.
Click here to learn how to create Teacher Pages.
Click here for our step-by-step guide on adding images, videos, files, and more.
Progress Reports
When it’s time for a midterm checkup of academic performance, Gradelink’s progress reports offer tons of customization. Click here for a handy guide to making them fit your school’s specific needs.
Need to go paperless?
Run progress reports as you normally would. Once they are generated, click on the PDF icon at the top of the screen, and your reports will download automatically.
“From daily routines of putting in attendance to inputting grades, I find Gradelink extremely user-friendly. Now that I'm in an administrative role, my ability to roll over from term to term or from school year to school year can happen with the click of a button.” —Linda H., Student Experience Coordinator
A New Website for Optimized Workflow
Life Christian Academy's new website, designed by Gradelink, simplifies the workflow between the website and the SIS. For example, the robust events calendar is edited from a single location, yet it appears in multiple places to keep parents updated.
Is your website ready for an update? We're ready to help! Schedule a free 15-minute consultation?with one of our friendly experts.
Not Using Gradelink Yet?
Watch a free demo to see how to help your school save time, improve enrollment, and fulfill its mission.