Your Guide to Four-Legged Friends in Multifamily

Your Guide to Four-Legged Friends in Multifamily

Apartment Pet Policies You Can Implement at Your Building

Apartment Pet Policies You Can Implement at Your Building

Accommodative housing for furry, four-legged roommates is becoming one of the most important factors for renters when looking for a new home. Yes, we’re talking about pets!

Pet ownership in multifamily properties has exponentially increased over the years. And by implementing clear and straightforward apartment pet policies, you’ll enhance your building’s resident experience and reduce turnover.

Read this article, where we break down the five apartment pet policies you should implement.?

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An Inside Look at What Renters Like, Love and Can’t Live Without

An Inside Look at What Renters Like, Love and Can’t Live Without

“Living with a pet is an important renter preference, as one-third of all renters indicated they have a pet. Arumugham said receives twice as many searches for dog-friendly spaces than for cats, and Hepfner said many communities have moved away from breed restrictions and weight limits. Having pet-friendly outdoor spaces is crucial, Hepfner said, but it’s also important to provide some type of outdoor space for all residents.”

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Pet Amenities That Every Dog-Friendly Apartment Should Have

Family Friendly Apartment Amenities Your Building Should Provide

Owning a dog is a big responsibility but living in an apartment makes things more complicated. So, dog owners look for different amenities in an apartment.

This guide to pet amenities will walk you through the challenges of living in an apartment with a dog and how you can improve the resident experience for dog owners so that they sign and renew more leases at your property.

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Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership at Apartment Communities

Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership at Apartment Communities

“Perhaps one of the most positive developments in the rental-housing industry over the past decade is the increased focus on pet-friendly communities. Operators understand the importance—and benefits—of better catering to pet owners and have begun to create less-rigid policies.?

But with the increased volume of pets and pet-centric amenities, operators also must promote another facet of the equation—responsible pet ownership.

Thankfully, property teams can take steps to help ensure their communities are not only pet-friendly to the max, but also pet-responsible.”

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Family Friendly Apartment Amenities Your Building Should Provide

Pet Amenities That Every Dog-Friendly Apartment Should Have

Kids love pets. Parents love pets. And kids are most likely ten times more destructive than a pet ever could be, so why not have an inclusive pet policy?

Raising children is expensive. So, meet parents halfway by getting rid of pet fees. Parents are more likely to get their kids a furry companion — that’ll keep them occupied and out of parents’ hair — if doing so didn’t include an extra financial burden.

Many families touring your property will likely already have pets. So, keep in mind that a family-friendly apartment should also be pet friendly.

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