Your Guide to different types of charging plugs in an Electric Vehicle
Different types of charging type 1, 2 and focus on 5amp
With the market for electric vehicles booming, it is important to understand how to maintain it too. One of the most important factors that need to be taken into consideration when talking about electric vehicles is the battery, and how to recharge it. Just like charging cables, the ports for electric vehicles also have two connectors, one to plug into the vehicle socket and the other for the charge-point. Charging cables can be divided into two types of currents:
· Slow/Average charging or Alternating Current (AC):
These types of connectors are usually used in our daily life. For example, the current at our houses and work-stations is alternating current (AC). This comes from the electric company's power facilities and is sent back and forth over the grid lines. Transporting current in long-distance is relatively easy in AC current, and it also helps prevent energy loss.
· Fast charging or Direct Current (DC):
DC (Direct Current) is a sort of electricity that flows in only one direction, and it is the sort of electricity that batteries provide. DC power is used to charge electric vehicle batteries because it is faster and provides more hours to your EV. DC has tethered cables, so there are no charge points on it.
The type of connector you need varies depending upon the type of EV you have and the speed of the charge point. These types of charging cables and plugs can further be divided into three categories:
· Type 1:
Type 1 charge plug is a single-phase charging cable. This means that the power flows in it through a single conductor. This type of charge-plug is dominant in Asia. It essentially takes a voltage supply of over 200 volts and charges a common electric vehicle at a rate of 12 to 60 miles per hour, depending on how much power the charger can offer and how much power the EV can accept. Type-1 is a 5-pin standard charger with a no-lock mechanism.
The process for the working of a type-1 charging is fairly simple. The Type 1 plug is made up of five pins. Two pins are used to communicate between the electric vehicle and the charging station, determining the maximum current available to the vehicle and preventing the vehicle from moving while attached. The three remaining pins are used as AC charging lines and a ground line.
· Type 2:
Type 2 connectors can carry up to three-phase power of charging cables. A three-wire ac power circuit with each phase ac signal 120 electrical degrees apart is known as three-phase power. In simple words, it means that it can better accommodate higher loads of power. A three-phase connector also offers better consistency, as they can offer almost three times higher power as compared to a single power and is more efficient. Type 2 connectors are one of the most popular choices for DC standards, but they can also be used in AC. Europe is the primary market for the triple-phase plug, which is considered the standard model. Charging power levels of up to 22 kW are popular in private settings, whereas public charging stations can employ charging power levels of up to 43 kW (400 V, 63 A, AC). A type 2 socket is found in the majority of public charging stations in Europe and America.
· 3 Pin:
This is the most basic type of plug, used almost every day in our daily lives. 3 pin plugs are designed to safely supply mains energy to electrical appliances. Three pins make into a three-pin plug (hence the name). Each pin must be connected to the three wires in the electrical cable in the correct order. Each wire has its own distinct colour to make it easy to identify.
The French phrase "CHArge de MOve" is abbreviated as "CHArge de MOve." This plug type is used for DC charging technique, is brands like Mitsubishi, Nissan, and Toyota are among the few companies that employ it on a global scale.
· Tesla Supercharger
Tesla Superchargers are designed similarly to Type 2 AC connectors. They can, however, offer far more power by utilising two of the pins for DC current.
Tesla Superchargers, however, will only charge Tesla automobiles, despite the same plug configuration.
· CCS Combo
The acronym CCS stands for the combined charging system. It enables AC and DC chargers to share a single plug. CCS comes in two versions, one with Type 1 AC plugs and the other with Type 2 AC plugs. Volkswagen, BMW, Ford, and Hyundai all use these standards on a global scale.
The Universal Charging Plug: 5 AMP
Every electric vehicle sold today comes with a standard 120-volt portable charger, and some manufacturers supply a dual 120-volt / 240-volt unit. Approximately, this means an average of 5 Ampere or AMP of current. Also known as home charging, it is one of the most common ways to charge your phone, especially in India, where the number of charging stations is small, but growing nevertheless. Currently, almost 80% of all EV charging takes place at home. Typically, owners charge their batteries overnight while sleeping, waking up to a completely charged battery the next morning, which almost always gives more than enough EV range for most people's everyday travel needs.
This type of charging can happen with your normal 3 pin plug and is extremely accessible. According to MoveInSync, Indians move less than 35 kilometers per day on average. Given that range has been one of the most significant roadblocks for electric vehicles, it is no longer as significant as it previously appeared. Electric vehicles can, in fact, be the ideal option for moving around for shorter journeys– you can commute and drive in an urban area to cover lesser distances. There are a variety of situations in which charging your electric vehicle at home might be really beneficial. If you drive an EV, you may find yourself heading to a charge station only to see a long queue of other drivers waiting to fill up.
With 5 AMP plug charging, EVs may be charged anywhere, including offices, residential complexes, shopping malls, and any upcoming charging point. With such a simple charging process, life is made easier, and all-wise purchasers who understand this benefit greatly from the economic efficiency of it all.
With a 5 AMP charging option, you have complete control over where and when you re-charge, and you may do so from the comfort of your own homes or across a pitstop en route during the journey.
Just Getting Started
Rahul Thakur
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