"Your Guide To A Better Future"

"Your Guide To A Better Future As A Manager and Leader In These Chaotic Times"

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It’s Been Coming A Long Time…???????

???????????Do you remember the very first day you stepped up into your first manager and leader role??Can you remember your dreams and aspirations about what you were going to achieve?

???????????Sure, partly it was about earning more money, having more prestige, rising to new heights, achievements and building a better life.?Yet underneath, there was something more.?Something bigger and more powerful from a deeper level within.

Why Did You Become A Manager and Leader?

???????????Over the last 38 years, I’ve interviewed and worked with tens of thousands of managers and leaders across all walks, levels, types and sectors of industry and organisation. One really big thing has always stood out for me…

???????????…there’s a predestination to become a manager and leader of one kind or another. A personal cause, a predisposition to step up and take responsibility, for choosing the way ahead, for creating more and better. After all these interviews, now more than ever, I am sure this is the case.?

???????????Perhaps it is this calling from deep mind that often makes us feel slightly apart from others. Perhaps this calling is also the source of the feeling we can and should step up with the intention to make better futures for ourselves and others.

Why Does This Matter To You Now?

???????????Many more managers and leaders are now seriously questioning the current direction of travel we see in our world.?We seem to be headed at speed into a dehumanising world of ‘thin wealth’ – the relentless focus on money and technology.?Many are now questioning whether this is the way out of the chaos we see growing.?If this focus is the way out, it's not taken us there so far.

???????????There is a growing realisation that we cannot rely on politicians and a few top leaders alone to put things right.?Good managers and leaders can really help build a better future for all - working more from the ground up.?

There are more managers and leaders in the world than any other professional group – we remain unconnected and not yet linked together through any common network or body.

???????????There is an urgency to input greater imagination and creativity in many arenas, and a pressing need to curtail the massive waste of resources and short-termism.?A more rational, practical and logical approach is absolutely necessary to upgrade and modify our systems.?

???????????Management and leadership needs a new engine and a louder voice.?Increased consistency of approach and delivery and the means to be heard are essential if the vested interest of capital is to be balanced by better longer-term solutions.

Your Call To Action

???????????Peter Drucker, the father of management and leadership, raised the call for radical change when he defined the professional field of managers and leaders more than 70 years ago in ‘The Practice of Management.??

???????????At the conclusion of this great book, he stressed: ultimately we must “make the public good become the private good of [every] enterprise.?Managers and leaders taking responsibility for the wider interest “is our best hope for the future of our countr[ies] and out societ[ies].”?Now at '2 minutes to midnight', it’s time to act.

If this agenda speaks to you – please raise your hand and

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A Better Future For You And Your Organisation

???????????There is a way through the mire.?It is absolutely possible to shift the trajectory.?Collectively we can take the wheel and steer a path to a different future.?

???????????First, you need a new engine to increase the return on investment from managers and leaders in your organisation. A new system to create bigger results, more quickly, with less overwhelm, and bigger rewards.

???????????Help and support from peers can enable you to rapidly raise your game, your reputation, and your salary.?You can access more power and prestige by replicating already proven collaboration methods.?The approach ?we use has an excellent lineage of success spanning more than 80 years.

???????????You can indeed gain a bigger voice and find a way to take-action on what really matters.?You can increase your chances of thriving in today’s world.?It’s amazing how much small groups of people can achieve when they work together in harmony with real focus and clarity of purpose.

You Can Take Your First Step Now?

If this sounds right for you and/or your organisation just try it.?Click this link below and leave your details in Regenesis Managers and Leaders on LinkedIn

We’ll reach out to you, so you can have the biggest gains as quickly as possible.

I’m Thomas Welsh.?

???????????Building better futures for you, your organisation, and the world around you, starts right here.?Let’s take action and get this moving.?You can just step up – and click here

Regenesis - Building the Future


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