Be On Your Guard To Stay Stable
From today’s reading...
“And consider the patience of our Lord as salvation. on your guard not to be led into the error of the unprincipled
and to fall from your own stability.”
You and I have been given some amount of time to seek the help of the Lord to work on ourselves.
Yes, He wants to save our bacon from the fire, but we are not unconscious in the snow at the top of the mountain needing to be airlifted out.
On the contrary, we are lost in the jungle or the desert and He is sending us a guide to follow as we walk on our own two feet towards salvation.
You got yourself lost of your own free will. You let your guard down. You allowed the unprincipled to entice and seduce you.
It took time to become unstable and get lost just like it takes time to become 30 or 50 or 100 pounds overweight.
To restore your health—and your soul—takes both time, i.e. patience, and your active participation.
So be thankful for both the journey and having the time, ability, and desire to walk it because you’ve been called to...
Stay the course.
Keep the faith.
Now go sell something.