Your Greatest Superpower
To thrive and lead a fulfilling life, I believe we need to nurture the most important relationship in our life - the one we have with our Self! Thus, my intention here is to share with you matters I hope you'll find useful to guide you on your journey to create a loving relationship with yourself and others, and to build a life you desire.
Did you know that April is Stress Awareness Month since 1992? Me neither, but it was established to bring attention to the negative impact of stress on our well-being.
Let's begin...
A few weeks ago I was hiking in the beautiful Macedonian mountains. As always, I was in awe of the perfection of mother Nature. After a wonderful day enjoying the sun, snow and the mild wind reminding us that we are alive, we started our descend. As the view opened up, I spotted smoke on the opposite hill. It was fire, and to my shock it was clear that it was man-induced fire. I couldn't take my eyes off it as we were walking down, it consumed me. Who would have done something like this? Why would someone want to harm nature? How can we humans be so destructive? Has it been reported?
I reached for my phone to call the responsible authorities and to report the fire, but there was no network. In the next hour or so walking down I kept checking for network... nothing. As the time passed and the smoke grew, I was overwhelmed by feelings of disappointment, anger, sadness, worry, frustration... At one moment I couldn't bear anymore that feeling of being powerless and started crying. What choice did I have, except to continue walking down, checking for network again and again?
Choice is everything
Many times in our lives we find ourselves in situations where we feel like we have no choice. These moments often stem from our perception being limited by our internal frames and filters, such as our beliefs, past experiences, and attitudes. These internal factors can create mental barriers that constrain our sense of agency and limit our options, leading us to perceive ourselves as powerless or trapped in circumstances beyond our control. This is when we become a victim of the circumstances, and when we linger for too long in this role - we eventually become ill.
However, the truth is - we always have choice! The power of choice lies in our ability to transcend these limiting perceptions and recognize that, even in the face of adversity, we always have the freedom to choose how we respond to the circumstances. While we may not always have control over external events, we do have control over our thoughts, emotions, and actions. By reframing our perspective and shifting our focus from what we cannot control to what we can control, we reclaim our innate strength and unlock the potential for personal growth and transformation.
In NLP we say choice is everything!
With every tool that you learn, every piece of knowledge that you practice, the aim is to create more choice in our life. Because when you have choice and you consciously exercise your power to choose, you take responsibility for your own actions, reactions and behavior. In other words, you stand with both feet at cause. Because if you don't, others will choose for you - and even if they have their best intentions, they don't always know what's best for you.
Your aim is to expand that space Viktor Frankl talks about, by adding as much choice as possible!
So, whenever you think you are stuck and you have no choice, activate your creativity and imagine as many different options as you can. Remember, one option is no choice, two options is a dilemma and three or more options - this is choice!
The following questions can help you search for options when you feel stuck or powerless:
In essence, the power of choice is not merely about making decisions; it is about embracing the inherent freedom and agency we possess as human beings. It is about recognizing that, no matter how challenging our circumstances may be, we always have the power to choose how we perceive, interpret, and respond to them. By embracing this fundamental truth and harnessing the transformative potential of choice, we can cultivate a life of purpose, fulfillment, and empowerment, regardless of the obstacles we may face.
By actively exercising our power of choice we enhance our psychological resilience and overall quality of life.
Now, a few announcements...
To close,
I finally reported the fire, posted on social media so that it was public and felt a bit of relief. The fire was brought under control after two days, sadly. The bitter feelings in my mouth stayed for a bit, but I was able to re-establish my state and realize that I made a choice - that was the best I could do at that moment.
My message for the month of April is:
Remember, your greatest power as a human is your power to choose in any given moment.
A suggestion for your further reading:
You don’t have to value me, I value myself - an article on finding my inner worth.
Mental Agility , a past Self-Expedition newsletter where I explore ways for practicing mental flexibility.
Inspiration and Information Sources:
I'm watching, reading and listening to: