Your Grasp - Don't Ever Give Up On You!
Curtis Wray
Regional Rapid Response Coordinator, selected as Rapid Response process improvement co-team leader, selected as a Virginia Mentor, aspiring poet/motivational speaker, and founder of The Consummate Transitioner, LLC.
You firmly grabbed the baton, focused, and stayed in your lane. It was worth all of the time, work, energy, and effort…the trials and the pain. Your moment in time is now…for the bell has been struck. And your grasp is attainable, if you don’t ever give up!
The processes will be difficult, emotional, exciting, amazing, surreal, or even stunning. But to complete your esteemed race to the finish line, you must keep on running. Do not ever stop trying to dream, conceive, achieve, and believe, and be sure to prepare and get some needed rest. For the consummate race is mentally within and physically with only you…to give your absolute and shining best.
In the journey of life, there are no right or wrong notes to your ever-evolving written song. For the crown in your race is not expressly guaranteed to the swift and/or the imposing strong. It is so deep within yourself that you must reach down, believe, and solely depend. And run your good, fair, patient, decent, dignified, disciplined, and respectful enduring race to the very, very end.
You rounded the turn, leaned in, and took the forked road less traveled. What a difference it made when others flattered without anointed favor, were fledgling, floundering, failed, faded, and started to unravel. You chose the respected hard and not the easy way and made your own luck. Your grasp is always attainable if you don’t ever give up!
They cannot see what you have been through. Past experiences may leave behind no traces. But you must make good decisions in life to end up in very good places. The lights are so, so bright…you now hear all the encouraged past wise, sage, and respected voices. For you beam and stand tall and proud…the collected sum total and evidence of all of your hard work, decisions, and choices.
Kudos, adulation, admiration, and adoration, you are humbled to know there are no cheap thrills. For, to get to the glorious mountaintop, you must first work to conquer the ominous and elusive hills. Dreams, goals, aspirations, blessings, and successes will find, fill, and overflow your cup. climb to the seemingly distant mountain you must step forward, reach, and look up.?
Don’t ever make excuses for enduring the hard and not the easy, for resilience and perseverance require that you give your all. Your mantra, measure, and mettle are to get up and move forward after every learned and experiential fall. Your feet are now plucked and cleaned from the sticky miry clay, and you are set well and firmly upon a dry rock. Your grasp is attainable if you don’t ever give up!
?Blind faith will not fail you but will “make room” for your increasingly abundant and within-the-seasoned crop. Your grasp is attainable if you don’t ever give up.
What is within your grasp is always attainable if you don’t ever give up! “Don’t give up! Don’t ever give up!” Don’t ever give up…on you!
All the best!
Curtis Wray - The Rhymist Gift