Are your genetics holding you back from your goals?
Can you defy your pre disposed genetics and get the results you desire anyway? Is it really possible?
First things first, storing excess fat is not genetics… it’s a choice!
We get fat because we over consume calories, not because your parents are slightly larger than the average human.
A question got put to me recently that intrigued me. I had someone reach out and they started off by saying; “I have read that…”
*the dreaded statement* .
The amount of wildly inaccurate nonsense that is spouted by “experts” in regards to health and fitness makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry at times… and the nations mainstream media are generally the worst for this btw! (don't get your health advice from a newspaper or morning tv show).
She then continued with “… my legs are destined to always be the same due to my genetics. I have always had skinny legs and not sure I can change them. Is this true?”
Now, our genetics will determine;
- the shape of a muscle.
- the speed in which a muscle tissue will grow or atrophy (get smaller if receiving no stimulus and inadequate protein levels).
- the origin and insertion point (where the muscle starts and finishes).
- and how big and powerful a group of muscle fibres can grow to and can contract. (Unfortunately 99% of us could never train, eat, sleep and take enough steroids to be Mr Olympia or a world record powerlifter).
But they will NOT stop you from growing muscle tissue and creating some shape to your legs (in this lady’s case), arms, calves, chest, back etc!
If you have family history of a flat butt, small arms, being skinny, being fat etc… you don’t have to settle for this and you absolutely cannot turn around and blame it on your genetics!
Far from it!
It does however mean you may need to pay that little bit more attention to this ‘problem area’.
If you are genetically built with spindly little calves… you have just got to get lots and lots of volume through them to make them grow. And I mean up to 3-4 times per week for some muscle groups!
If you are concerned about not being able to put on enough muscle due to being genetically skinny… you’ve also got to eat in a consistent calorie surplus and make sure your training is focused around muscle growth! (going running isn't going to help you put on upper body muscle mass).
On the other end of the spectrum; if your family are generally overweight… you’ve just got to address your eating habits and maintain a calorie deficit. You are NOT genetically predisposed to be overweight! You are overweight due to the habits that have been engrained in to you since you were little.
You, along with every other person on this planet do not go against science and the laws of thermodynamics (laws of energy… calories). Remember, our body expends a certain number of calories each day staying alive and coping with all of the movement we do. To lose fat, consume LESS than this overall figure. To gain muscle mass: appropriate exercises to stimulate muscle growth and consume MORE than this daily calorie figure.
The road may be a little tougher, but as I say fairly frequently… nothing worth having comes easy, so suck it up petal!
If you want your body to change... you actually have to change. Change the way you consume energy (calories) and change the way you train. Gain a focus and commit to that one goal for anywhere between 10-12 weeks. It won't happen in one month!
Yours in health.