Your QSA 'Quantifiable Self-Aware' Enterprise
Hari Guleria
SAP Transformation Success Coach I PMO I SAP-HANA | Cx to Ux I Buss & Analytics Transformation
I am launching the QSA enterprise concept, expect an executive book soon, of the self-aware, autonomous enterprise that will consist of self-aware, autonomous components that intelligently talk to other self-aware, autonomous things in a seamless Edge to Edge system across the total enterprise value chain. The first step is to dream, then to imagine, then to make it a reality. The Focus of QSA is Business Benefit from our HANA-4-IoE solutions
We already have mind controlled prosthetic devices available today. In California we have Google’s driverless car operating on the road, pilotless drones and cruise missiles are a reality of yesterday. This year tesla will introduce the self driving, or autonomous, vehicles. What we are witnessing is a disruption of unprecedented proportions that will impact every process, industry and process of our lives in the very near future. The self-aware world of science fiction is almost becoming a reality today, it will possibly become commonplace sometime tomorrow. My motto for this is ‘Dreams yesterday, Reality today and routine tomorrow’- and this cannot be truer today than anytime else. Your Big-Data, Cloud, IoE and HANA plans better have a QSA component embedded within it to assure strategic customer benefit built into the matrix
Our starting point is IoT and then we raise the bar slightly and move on the IoE platform. Whereas IoT plans to communicate with things that are networked the IoE concept has a vision of communications between everything that needs to be connected / monitored. Once IoE was blessed by Michael E.Porter and Harvard in the November 2014 HBR issue IoT has simply become a familiar acronym while we all need to be thinking IoE
The real value of smart gadgets may ultimately not be in what data they generate, but what benefits can be extracted from the data-of-everything feeds. It will be defined by how the data can be designed to tells a service administrator, a production manager, an airplane service group, the Tesla support group all with a goal of zero-downtime. It will be defined by how the data can be modeled to tell your doctor, your cardiologist, your surgeon about critical alerts that lead to a proactive health-care awareness.
The real value of the data is in the business-benefits we can extract from the volumes of data that can avoid an impending accident, improve critical services, catch a terrorist before they cause damage, and proactively alert about possible issues that can or may lead to a shut-down or an accident.
The future is not about collecting data but about how we synthesize, reduce, visualize and amalgamate all these disparate data streams to become self-aware, real-time, self-correlating and intelligent administrators.
From an executive level the most critical component in the QSA methodology is Business Benefit. This focus will eliminate redundant data, Identify true opportunities and enable the QSA concept to evolve to every higher benefit-potential.
Elimination of redundant data is most important because in the future world of networked and connected devices one thing we will have plenty of is data. It is critical to realize that 99.9% of this data will be redundant. Enterprises that focus on data collection will have over 99% of useless data, something that should not be desirable. It is very easy to reach there without QSA planning.
Automobile Industry Example: Modern cars have hundreds of sensors onboard every car. There is more computing power in an average car today than there was in our PC and Desktop three decades ago. Most modern cars have over two thousand sensors that collect information. Tesla is a leading edge example of this segment. Your average Tesla talks continuously to your dashboards smart visualization. It also recognizes engine components in real-time and updates Tesla service administrators. Detroit is already forecasting the Google driverless cars becoming available by 2020 to 2030. These cars represent the QSA automobile that will recognize voice-commands and hand-movement signals. The business benefit goal here is not just to decrease accidents but to eradicate accidents altogether.
So whatever industry you are in make your strategic QSA goal as ZERO. Zero accidents, Zero downtime, zero defective components leaving the plant, zero collateral damage to our soldiers in a battle situation, etc.
Airline Industry Example: Modern jet engines have hundreds of devices onboard the plane. For example, each engine generates around 4TB of data every hour of operation from many devices. A four engine airplane from New York to London would thus generate (4x4x8) or 128 TB of data. In a good flight, where the engines perform perfectly and there are no issues the 128TB of data technically is redundant for each device simply keeps stating ’I am well’. Our QSA factors come into effect when we identify what are the kinds of things that go wrong in an engine that our devices can track. Next we need to identify a signals tree that identifies different signals that identify an issue of some sort. Next each issue signature needs to be identified into a severity and criticality matrix. So the key to a QSA methodology is that if and when there is an issue signal it gets segregated by the self-aware algorithms and then it gets quantified as to who needs to be alerted. For example the pilot, the on-board engineer, the next airport the engine manufacturer, etc. Note that in this example if the total value chain has QSA enabled manufacturing, monitoring, maintenance and support we should be able to achieve a Zero crash rate due to engine failure in the foreseeable future.
So one way or another your competition will be heading for the QSA environment, product, support and maintenance. Plan your QSA strategy along with your IoE, Big Data and HANA Strategy.
Your QSA focus must remain razor-sharp on End-user benefits