Your Future Is Created in the Present
Ally Gordon
Performance Coach & Life Strategist for C-Suite / Business Owners and Senior Executives. 20+ years creating, scaling & leading 55+ hospitality businesses.
Creating our new future is not created tomorrow, it's created today.
We can wait and wait and hope that one day everything will change and all the things we have daydreamed about are suddenly going to one day just land in our laps or turn up on our doorstep
That tactic has a high percentage of failure!
If we really want to create our new future, we have to start making the plans, putting in the actions and habits today and be prepared to do the work or forever we will be pushing that new future down the road.
Let’s not pretend that even getting started is not tough,? keeping momentum is even tougher.
And just to add a bit more grit to the wheels - we know what we don’t want, but have no idea what we really want.
A few great questions to ask yourself and ones I have used on myself many times;
How do I want to be remembered?
What’s it going to take for that change to happen?
What space are you giving yourself? i.e. the great conversations you are having t, how you create energy in your life
What's stopped you (up to now) from getting this future you have been dreaming about?
What are your beliefs about the changes you want to make?
Do you believe this change is possible?
Are you taking 100% responsibility for those changes or being a victim and blaming others for not allowing those changes to take place?
Do you feel that you will be judged by others?
Do you have someone to keep you accountable?
Do you know your values and what’s truly important to you?
What daily, weekly, monthly habits do you need to have in place to make these changes happen?
And the real biggie….
Do you have a clear plan of what you really want?