Your First Team
Dr Michael A Wright
As "the Pivot Coach" I help Entrepreneurs, Educators, and Helping Professionals successfully pivot to publish, build brands, innovate businesses, launch online courses, and create new revenue streams.
Me, Myself, and I
Connecting with ourselves and having an honest conversation with "me, myself, and I" can be an incredibly powerful tool for addressing some of the most challenging aspects of our lives. In this conversation, we will explore how we can give our ego, our heart, and our body what they need to find balance and alignment.
First, let's address the fear of the ego. Our ego is driven by a desire for external validation, and this can lead to a fear of failure or rejection. To address this fear, we can speak to our ego with facts, trends, and calculations. By reminding ourselves of our accomplishments, we can reframe our fear as an opportunity for growth rather than a threat to our self-worth. For example, we can say things like "I have successfully navigated similar challenges in the past," or "Based on my knowledge and experience, the odds are in my favor." By approaching our ego with a sense of calm and confidence, we can alleviate some of the tension that can hold us back from taking risks and pursuing our goals.
Next, let's turn our attention to the love of the heart. Our heart is fueled by a desire for purpose, impact, and legacy. Speaking to our hearts in this way can remind us of our deeper motivations and help us connect with a sense of passion and inspiration. For example, we might say things like "I want to make a positive impact on the world," or "I want to leave a lasting legacy for future generations." By connecting with our sense of purpose and meaning, we can tap into the power of our hearts and find the motivation we need to push through challenges and pursue our dreams with resilience and commitment.
Finally, let's turn our attention to the tension in the body. Our body holds physical and emotional tension that can inhibit our ability to move decisively, proactively, and responsibly. To address this tension, we can speak to our body about safety, preparation, and templates. By taking a practical and systematic approach, we can alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty that can make it difficult for us to act. For example, we might say things like "I will take necessary precautions to ensure my safety and the safety of those around me," or "I will create a detailed plan with clear steps and timelines." By having a clear roadmap to follow, we can reduce the overwhelm and anxiety that can weigh us down and find the confidence we need to move forward.
In essence, by having a conversation with "me, myself, and I" that addresses the fear of the ego, the love of the heart, and the tension in the body, we can give each part of ourselves what it needs to find balance and alignment. By approaching our inner world with compassion, clarity, and intention, we can cultivate the resilience and self-awareness we need to navigate life's challenges with grace and courage. So take some time to sit down with yourself, have that conversation, and see where it takes you – the results may surprise you.