Your first hire won't solve your problems

Your first hire won't solve your problems

But strategic evaluation and planning will

So Juan increased his income almost instantly by doing more of what he loves, and less of what he hates, and that’s just the beginning!

Oh wait, that’s actually the end, my bad.

Let me introduce you to Juan and tell you how?we decided against growing?his one-person business.

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“I can honestly say I walked away with great knowledge and really don’t want to bring someone on board now.”

-Juan Chanelo

In the next few minutes, you’ll get a high-level operational analysis, financial analysis, and a strategy that Juan (and you) can use to massively increase your income.

Understand: This is a case for a highly trained specialist and will not directly apply to every business model. I’m sharing it to help you understand the principles behind the thought process of hiring and leverage.

You will get value from this insight. Let’s go!


There are another 1500 words to this article including financial breakdowns and strategies.

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Kalib Koons

Co-founder @ drink oona

1 年

Read this in my email this morning. Great piece. But I have to say, as I was reading it, I thought to myself “has this guy never heard of FIVERR? Or Upwork??? You don’t have to hire someone to get help!” I then read the rest and realized you were right on track! Enjoying the newsletter, keep up the great work!



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