Your first car!
Do you remember your first car? Old cars bring back memories. It's not like the new cars you see advertised every day on TV or the cars you see driving on the road. You remember that car you first had and the memory stick with you for many years. We don't forget, but why is that? Because it was a special time in your life and it has a story behind it that you can tell to as many people that you want to. Of course when you do that it will lead to another story from the person you are talking to about your car. It seems that everyone has a first car they want to tell you about. How did you come by your first car? Do you remember what you paid for it? Maybe it was your father who helped you buy your first car. In my case I remember my grandmother giving me money to buy a 1954 ford. It was blue and white. I bought it used from a state trooper. I drove it thousands and thousands of miles. One time I was getting low on for gas in my 54' Ford which had a lock gas cap and I had lost the key to unlock it. I needed gas bad and took a chance and stopped at a gas station which had a mechanic working there. He managed to get the cap of key or no key. He had tried several keys. But at the end of the day the cap was gotten rid of and replaced by a regular gas cap. At another time, I noticed a very loud sound from the muffler of the car. The pipe to the muffler was rusted out. Being a teenage kid with not much money I stopped at another gas station with a mechanic on duty. The mechanic took an old beer can, cut both ends of the can, slipped the can over the two rusted parts where the pipes came together and clamped them on both ends. I drove it thousands of miles like that.
This brings up another memory of a small pickup truck that I liked but I ended up selling it to someone I knew and after they bought it, it would quit on the road. They practically tore the entire truck apart only to find that the problem was a small connection part in the wheel-well was getting dirt in it and stopping the flow of gas from the tank to the fuel pump. The part cost less that $2.00.
Old cars bring back memories, some good and some not so good. I had an old car that had a rusted floor. It finally gave out one day and I built it up with scrap wood that I had in the garage.
When I worked in highway construction, I worked with a guy who talked about cars all day long. One time he had this old car and he needed gas so he pulled into the gas station and went into pay with cash and the car rolled into the gas pump and knocked the gas pump over. In the early 1960's you only paid for gas with cash.