What are you tuning into?

What are you tuning into?

When social media was all new and shiny..back in 200-ish I was RIGHT ON IT. I gave talks for Business Link and many women's business organisations in UK, Europe and USA. I loved it. I loved the buzz and being able to get a message out fast and clear. I adored teaching people how to grow their business using articles, interviews and posts on all the social media back then.

Ten years later I don't feel quite the same way as I did back then. In the meantime I had two children who absorbed much of my time and I took a step back from the limelight to focus on areas of my life and business that I could run at all different times of the day and be AROUND a family! I've seen social media grow to become a monster in some ways and in others even more opportunity to connect! It depends totally on your view and how you are using it.

My children would be on computers and gadgets all day if they could (7 and 9 years old) I have to admit, I have a home office so I've had to be careful to get off the computer and phone when around them. Otherwise what are they going to say "Mummy you're on your phone/computer!' Touche! So I started at looking at why people are on social media and the amount of crap that gets thrown up there. Let's face it do you really want to see what your ex-colleague had at the pub for lunch today? Or the fact that your daughter's friend just bought her fifth pair of Karashian looky likey boots? DO YOU ACTUALLY GIVE A SH**? So why does this absorb us so much? Why is it causing such anxiety amongst teens and adults? Why because on many levels we DO GIVE A SHI** BUT not necessarily for the right reasons.

Even in my own marketing and communications I ask myself "Why am I writing or posting this?" Is it my ego or my heart? If its ego I dump it! I want to communicate because I have something of value to offer, to question, to inspire you with! As I have children, I now question even more where I am putting my time and energy, what I say, how I show up for them. Am I being sucked into Instagram, Facebook or useless meaningless Youtube videos? How am I spending my valuable time? Is it worth my time and do I really care about this information? It steals our time and we're not even conscious of it these days. It's the norm. We've all been there.

On the other side of the coin I have found some great mentors and teachers via these channels. They've usually ended up in my feed via an ad or a recommendation and I followed my intuition to connect with them. I have learned so much from just Youtube alone, especially about publishing, FB ads, marketing and spiritual teachings. It is incredible the breadth of information you can absorb if you are FOCUSSED about it.

My challenge to you is to filter what you take on. Everything is energy and what you decide to take on and absorb into your space, into your brain is so important.

People don't pay attention to it. I've noticed it so much more with my children. I've had to limit what my little one of seven watches and also my nine year old as they have great memories and remember pretty scary stuff! They love Harry Potter but we have to stop at number five as it gets a little too intense for them.

One day they also played me a YouTube video that seemed like a cool song about loving the Earth, which rapidly descended into a rather nasty song with gross, rude words and very suggestive cartoon characters. My husband and I both ran to the computer to stop it and now the girls are only allowed YouTube if we are IN the room with them. I know other parents who do not limit screen time and encourage gaming. I'm not one of the those parents. I know it may be a bit old fashioned but I encourage my kids to be outdoors, to draw, to design lego empires, sing anything that doesn't involve a gadget. We do watch movies and cartoons as a family online but we do not own a TV. Time with my children is already passing SOO fast I don't want the TV to steal anymore.

Don't get me wrong when we're in hotels, they get TV time, it's a treat, it's appreciated. Then they go back to the pool or to play with their friends. My kids are confident, outgoing and balanced and I'd love to keep it that way as long as possible. I know what is coming, I just believe that the grounding I'm giving them now will help prepare them for the gadget future and the perceptions they will have of themselves and their future social media. My eldest has a FB page that we run together showcasing art drawings when she feels like it, just in case she wants to develop that when she is old, so I'm not anti social media! I want her to learn it can be used in positive ways if you manage it well and your intentions are good.

When they are older I know they will have a smart phone, an ipad and all the rest. But whilst there little brains are developing I totally care how much time they are on a screen. I don't say it's bad to them, I just divert their attention to other things to do. I know if you tell them it's bad and DON'T they'll want it more! : ) They need to know the effects it can have on their emotional and mental wellbeing. Im not going to go into the awful stats in this arena it's too scary, I will leave that for another post. I have clients who are struggling to get their kids out of their rooms and off gadgets...so we have to be the change we want them to be so..PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN AND LISTEN TO THEM they NEED YOU. We have to be the example otherwise it is going to come back and bite us on the ass!

So to summarise,

CHOOSE what information you are allowing in, make it important what you feed your brain and spirit.

Seek out mentors and coaches and teachers who will LIFT your energy, expand your mind and bring you alternative positive views on how YOU can shape your life and that of your family. Then you truly give a crap, the world changes around you and the most amazing people, circumstances and opportunities will open up for you! Enjoy the ride!

If you struggle with focussing and are not clear on exactly what it is you want, you are feeling totally blocked or you're struggling with the communication between you and the kids, book a virtual coffee with me or join the free group that I have for people that want to grow and make a difference in their world. Love and light Amanda x


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