Your fear of visibility

Your fear of visibility

Today, let’s talk about VISIBILITY and what comes up for you when I bring up the thought of you being omnipresent in your marketing

…the idea of you seemingly being everywhere so that when your ideal prospect is ready to get help, you’re the first one they think about.

I teach this concept of Omnipresent Marketing in our signature program, simply because visibility through prolific, consistent marketing is absolutely necessary for anyone who wants to scale their business while working less and making much more.

Here’s what I’d like you to consider: Omnipresent marketing must become a lifestyle, not just an activity you do once in a while. 

Much like when people have achieved their ideal body weight and people ask, “What did you do? What were your tips and tricks?” They say, “Oh, it’s not something I did. It’s now a lifestyle.”

Omnipresence is the same thing. It’s a lifestyle, not just a series of actions.

It’s who you ARE in your marketing, who you ARE in the world. It’s about being okay with being seen. 

=> It’s about being ready to be seen, whether you have makeup on or not, or you have “yesterday’s hair”, or aren’t feeling “on” that day.

=> It means being willing to film a video to bring forward your message, as authentically as possible.

=> It’s taking on the identity of a prolific marketer because you’re committed to being the person to carry a message, never wanting to be fully invisible and knowing that it’s not a burden to be visible.

For sure, there is mindset work to be done to step into that identity, and it’s not difficult.

So, what about you? Are you okay with being seen yet? Are you like the many people who feel nervous about being on stage? Or are you anxious about putting themselves out there on social media because of the trolls?

These are common fears, but in order to increase your marketing exponentially to attract more clients, it’s time to change the way you think and speak about being an omnipresent marketer.

Remember, this is something you get to be. This is not something you need to do.

The most important thing to realize is that putting your message in front of others is not about you. It’s about the legions of people who are here to work with you.

It is an honor to be an omnipresent marketer. It means you’re here to help and committed to do so.

And if your business is part of your calling, like mine is, then I believe you and I are required to serve bigger. You get to serve bigger.

Ask yourself these questions:

=> What would my actions look like for me to be omnipresent?

=> Who do I need to be in my everyday life?

=> How can I set up my day and my systems to make me more prolific in my marketing?

If you’re not sure what exactly it would look like for you to become the person you need to be to be omnipresent, or how to begin changing your attitudes about visibility, it’s OK.

And it’s also OK to feel unsure, anxious or afraid to put yourself out there in a bigger way.

This is exactly what we help you with in our program, to help you scale your business to 50K or 100K a month, without having to do everything yourself.

If you’re curious about what to do next and how we (meaning me, my team, and our amazing community of women) can help you do it, book a time for us to talk now, sooner rather than later.

Let’s get your message out to the world, ok?


P.S. We’d love to get to know each other, for free, so we can find out more about your business, what you envision for your impact and income, and how we could help you get there.

Yes, this call is completely free, and without obligation, so there’s no reason to wait and no risk at all. This could just be the one conversation that changes everything for you.

Click the red button below and let’s book that free exploratory call:

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