Your Extrasensory Meditation Power

Your Extrasensory Meditation Power

Theocentric Psychology Teaching of Dr. Paul Leon Masters00

A daily practice of meditation can give one an extrasensory edge in life. Without meditation, the human mind is left with only the intellect to guide its way. Whatever one has experienced or learned comprises the intellect, which must then make decisions in life, from minor to major. The sum total of such decisions reflects the entirety of one’s life.

Down through the ages, the truly wise, who have explored the heights and depths of the human mind, have agreed that there is far more to the human mind than the intellect alone. Those who are creative can particularly attest to this, as so much of the creativity they have expressed has come from a source beyond the capacity of their intellect. Similarly, many entrepreneurs, whose ideas are far beyond their capabilities, agree that their commercially applied creativity came from a part of their mind that was outside their intellect.

Undeniably, there are numerous people who have done well in life without any claim other than using their intellect. Yet, even among those, who can deny that during their lives, they, too, may have had flashes of inspiration in which a higher part of their mind provided them with the insight to make successful and positive decisions.

When viewed as a whole, society certainly appears to be a reflection of the fact that inspiration, creativity, and intuition are an aspect—even if a very small one—of the lives of most people. The main point to be gleaned here is that if, indeed, an extrasensory part of the mind has played a significantly beneficial role in the lives of so many individuals, it should be developed into an integral presence in people’s everyday consciousness.

This can be accomplished through a daily practice of meditation, which opens the surface levels of the mind to the deeper levels. Contained in those deeper levels of the mind is a higher consciousness that knows more about life as a whole, as well as an individual’s life, than the intellect by itself could even begin to fathom.

Particularly when a person takes even a few minutes daily to meditate, the doorway of the mind remains open to an influx of higher consciousness, or what can also be termed extrasensory awareness. Meditation, therefore, can become a very practical benefit in one’s everyday life, rather than its sole purpose being the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment.

When it comes to health and healing, the human intellect has its limitations. It only knows what is outwardly known or realized through education or practical experience. While such knowledge may be sufficient in many cases, it is not something that has the merit to be the exclusive deciding factor about a person’s health. It is far more important that a person learns to listen to what their body is telling them. This is particularly true in the case of long-term health.

If you listen with an intuitive extrasensory ear, you will hear what your body is telling you on a day-to-day basis, and your long-term forecast for good health will be maximized, while the projection for ill health will be minimized. The higher consciousness within you knows what foods your body should have to maintain good health. Over a period of time, the cumulative effect of the foods you have eaten will have a great influence on your health.

When it comes to love, there is an old expression that states, “Love is blind.” In many instances, indeed it is! Often—especially in love—everything is not always as it seems. So much grief and disappointment could be avoided if a person could really sense the innermost feelings of one to whom they are attracted outwardly. By meditating daily, a person’s intuitive or extrasensory awareness is heightened. This heightened sense of awareness becomes alert to what is going on beneath the surface of another person’s outward presentation of self.

When you meditate daily, you do indeed sense what is going on deep within a person. In a positive way, then, sensing the innermost feelings of another can help create a better understanding of what to do to improve a relationship. When it comes to love, it is always better to know, no matter how bittersweet.

As for achieving success in life, the expression, “When it all comes together,” could unquestionably be a truth about success for numerous people. For many of those who have achieved success, it has not been a matter of brilliance, as much as a matter of timing. To be at the right place, at the right time, with the right thing, or the right person was what made the difference.

Some could consider that to be just blind luck. Yet, there is no such thing as luck in this universe. All is a matter of cause and effect that is part of the karma of every soul. Even those for whom timing has led to success, but who disavow having been guided, were unconsciously guided in regard to timing.

When you meditate daily you become aware of the subtle energies that exist in the psychic environment of a situation or condition. There is a sensing as to where and at what time to act, and when to bring other people into what is taking place. Meditation provides you with this extrasensory power.

Meditating daily keeps the conscious level of your mind open to the spiritual level, or that part of your mind that contains the reason and purpose for which your soul incarnated into this lifetime. Here knowledge is contained about what God wants you to live out in this lifetime for the advancement of your soul.

In your day-to-day activities, there is an extrasensory sense of what to do and what not to do. This inner sensing is guiding you to become aware of your soul’s purpose and how to live it.

Reference: Text taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ “The Theocentric Way of Life,” Volume 4: Module 27. Copyright ? 2016 by the International Metaphysical Ministry.

DISCLAIMER: (The appearance of these articles does not mean that I agree with everything in the article. It does mean that there is much that I have found helpful. I hope you will find them helpful as well). Dr. Ward.,

Chap. Dr. Richard Ward, J.C.D., PHD.

Therapeutic Orthodox Psychotherapist, Board-Certified American Academy of Clinical Hypnoanalysts, EFT Tapping and Optimal Noetic Meditation and Healing.

Call: 916-812-9706 for more information.

Powerful information l have started to put it into use. Meditation document will do



Fr. Dr. Richard Ward, J.C.D., PhD., Noetic Healing Orthodox Psychotherapist.的更多文章

