Your Excuses are valid, BUT...............
Imagine a young boy witnessing his father being shot and killed right in front of his eyes.
Imagine later on this young man becoming disenchanted with life and kinda just bumming around.
He claimed that he could not get over what he witnessed so in his mind his excuse for not achieving more in life is valid.
Would you accept his excuse?
Do you think it is a valid excuse for not getting on with his life and making progress towards his potential?
Excuses are typically related to timing and money.
'I will start when the kids get older'
'The refrigerator just stopped working so I have to replace it so wont have the funds.'
'Just lost my job so not sure now is the right time.'
'In-between jobs so not sure I want to make that investment.'
'I have a medical appointment so now is not the best time.'
'Partner just lost their job so not a good time.'
'Have other commitments at the moment so cant make the investment.'
All valid excuses.......
What if I told you that the story I shared above was a partially true story.
Vusi Thembekwayo's father was shot and killed in front of him when he was just a teenager.
Despite this Vusi became a very successful entrepreneur and multimillionaire.
My favourite quote from Vusi is “Every single excuse I have is valid, but that's still not going to give me the results that I want.”
The point he was making that if he did not pursue growing and developing himself he would have had a totally valid excuse.
In one week's time I will be getting to meet and hear Vusi live and I am so excited.
So what valid excuses have to made which stopped you from taking action towards your goals and desires?
What valid excuses are you making right now that is preventing you from the next best version of yourself?
Remember they are valid, BUT YOU WON'T PROGRESS.The real winners are the ones that understand their excuses are just that, excuses.
The ego mind would grad every opportunity to tell you why you should not get to the next level in your career and life.
The real winners take action in spite of their challenges.
The real winners defeat the ego mind.
Be a winner, take action despite your 'circumstances'.